How to Take Reference Photos
How to Take Reference Photos
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How to Take Reference Photos


How to Take Reference Photos


Take some reference photos and get ready to sculpt yourself!

Setting up for reference photos and trying out different lights that I had laying around with a shower curtain diffuser. Used a black blanket as a backdrop. The pictures came out surprisingly well.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Zeina Baron
Hi Andrew! Could you put a video how to do plaster cast from plaster mold for oil base clay portrait, PLEASE? It would be great if you do that! I wached Zoey tuturial, but it was for water base clay! When I done it for my skull sculpture It didnt workout, BTW, Sorry for my bad English!
Andrew Joseph Keith
I may do a video about that in the future! but the principles in Zoey's tutorial should also work with oil based clay. You may try it again (mold making is difficult and often requires practice and multiple attempts to get right.
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Proko sculpting instructor. Sculpting takes drawing to a whole new dimension.
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