Armature Hacks
Armature Hacks
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Figure Sculpting Fundamentals

Armatures for Sculpture

Armature Hacks


Armature Hacks

Andrew Joseph Keith
Now that we have the basics down, let me show you some cool tricks to improve your wire armatures.
Margareta Winny
Hello, I decided to practice and make more wired armature, following the basic one and the modified human wired armature. For the "B" armature, I think I got carried away switching back and forth between this video and the previous video that I completely had forgotten to do the other arm haha. But I can always make a new one! More practice :) I think I got a bit overwhelmed in the beginning that I have to do it multiple times to remember. But overall, love lesson in this one!
Andrew Joseph Keith
Looking good! And you can always add a section of wire by tightly wrapping it around the torso for a missing limb or for things like weapons, wings, etc. Love to see the practice!
Hi. Sorry, I’m somewhat confused as to the measuring of the spine when adding the loop. Half a unit down, two units for the rib cage, and another two units to complete lumbar section (4.5 units all together). Isn’t that kinda long? The straight line version is 3.5 units long. Or am I misunderstanding the instructions? Thanks.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Oh yeah I might have made the torso too long with the loop but you can adjust the loop to shorten it after. Also keep in mind that some adjustments will need to be made regardless because each person is a little different in their proportions. The important part is building armatures to get a good feel for the general proportions of the figure.
Ferzan Süngütay
please add the translation
Dominic Miranda
The tips in this video are inspiring and I just ran with it haha thanks for all the helpful information I’m having a blast adding modifications to the armatures, I hope we get the chance to see more in-depth armatures for some of the weapons and props. I made a few armatures today with wings and capes, hope everyone likes and has as much fun with this assignment as I did!
Andrew Joseph Keith
These are awesome! Great job!
These are great, they look solid too (strong)!
I might have got a bit carried away.... ;)
Dominic Miranda
Lol I got a little carried away myself but nothing wrong with that😂
So wonderfully creative and ambitious. Fun to zoom in on.
XInying Lin
Hi everyone, I’ve always been confused how the sculptor gets rid of the stand from the body once the work is finished? Or it would be cast directly somehow?
Andrew Joseph Keith
Yes the stand or support coming out of the sculpture is usually kept in place throughout the sculpting and molding process and then once the mold is made it can be filled in with silicone on the mold so that it is removed from the final cast.
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Proko sculpting instructor. Sculpting takes drawing to a whole new dimension.
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