Adding Half Tones Part One
Adding Half Tones Part One
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Portrait Painting in Oil Without a Brain

Edges And Planes

Adding Half Tones Part One


Part one of adding halftones to our painting. 

For the assignment for this lesson, follow along with me and add half tones to the two value painting you've done already.

Reference in the "Grid drawing" lesson of this course.

first pass of half tones
Morgan Weistling
this is a good set up.
Christopher Georg
Susan Pennington
Ethan with half tones and highlights applied. This is a second pass as my original half tone mix was too orange....I let it partially dry during the holiday and then remixed. I will be ordering some brushes as my old ones aren't small enough for the details, especially in the eye area.
Susan Pennington
Hi Morgan - any comments/suggestions before I move on to Part 2?
1/2 tones lite. The camera is adjusting face too orange. It looks better in person.
Adding Light Half Tones
Morgan Weistling
Good. Use a smaller brush when doing eyes, nose and lips to make yourself get more accurate. This will come together when you reach the edges stage.
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Award winning fine artist represented by @legacygalleryart in Scottsdale AZ
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