Susan Pennington
Susan Pennington
Activity Feed
Susan Pennington
Water ratio is key Use damp brush to pick up color or activate paint on palette Spray wells/palette to rewaken paint Use paper towel to absorb water from brush Use firmer brush to pick up pure paint from wells Reserve two areas on palette: one for warms and one for cools Remove excess water from wells using damp brush Clean palette by rewetting paint and using paper towel to clean When using thirsty brushes always mix more paint than you think you need
Liron Yanconsky
Lots of insights 🙏😊
Susan Pennington
Watercolor contamination in palette depends on ratio of the colors; stopping to clean may not be worth time and effort. Dig through to clean layer if using dry paint.
Liron Yanconsky
Susan Pennington
Ethan with half tones and highlights applied. This is a second pass as my original half tone mix was too orange....I let it partially dry during the holiday and then remixed. I will be ordering some brushes as my old ones aren't small enough for the details, especially in the eye area.
Susan Pennington
Hi Morgan - any comments/suggestions before I move on to Part 2?
Susan Pennington
Freehanded the drawing in charcoal and fixed; added shadows and then lights; used a finger to work the edges...Discovered I'm not careful enough when wiping my finger so got some smudges.
Morgan Weistling
you need to get softer edges in cheek areas
Susan Pennington
Really interesting lesson!
Susan Pennington
Drawings from edge assignment...Yes it's very difficult to ignore half tones and working to completion; very cool though
Morgan Weistling
Susan Pennington
Brown egg with light above and from slightly to left
Susan Pennington
Asked for help
Ethan with the average light added; beginning ear correction. Some of my mixed oils have formed a slight skin even though they are in capped containers similar to disadvantage I guess of totally premixed colors used over extended time (have grandchildren and xmas duties keeping me from my class).
Morgan Weistling
hope you got the right ones. my list pdf. has the right ones, from Hobby Lobby. Are you using the Dollar Tree ones? They are terrible I found out. The hobby lobby ones are really great. I am using mixtures from 4 weeks ago.
Susan Pennington
Ethan done with the background...color mixing is still a trial for me - I will say that my alizarin crimson which is Grumbacher brand is very oily and very transparent, but it was what I already had at home. Ear still needs correction as we move forward.
Morgan Weistling
a good beginning. I hope your average dark is dark enough though.
Susan Pennington
Asked for help
Ethan with the darks applied; I already know I messed up the ear and will have to redo it...both from a shape perspective as well as using the correct dark value in the deeper shadows. I might have some drawing. areas in the shirt area as well. Why don't you use the average shadow color on the mustache area? BTW, I admire the fact that your clothes have no oil paint on them....a bit tricky keeping my work area and myself clean LOL
Susan Pennington
I should also mention that I'm not quite use to how thick the paint needs to be..and how far it can go without using it up, so I have some places where its a bit transparent which I assume can be corrected in subsequent layers.
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