Restarting from scratch: Only gesture
Quite a bit of time ago, I've started trying learning to draw.
I found proko's figure drawing foundamentals's playlist and it was really a gift from heaven.
However at some point I hit a wall during mannequinization: My gesture wasn't really good and in the end I was more likely to ignore it during forms construction rather than actually making good use of it (you should still be able to find my other post here somewhere).
Then life has got busy and I haven't had a chance to touch my drawing tablet for quite a while but today I finally managed to and planning to start over learning to draw (both by using proko's videos and ctrl+paint).
This time, however, I do not want rely on poor basics and therefor have decided to seek for help in regards of my gesture drawings.
I've posted a few gesture drawings I made after rewatching the "Gesture drawing video" (one is made before and after seeing the pose on the step by step video, one is only before watching the same pose on the video).
When I used to try and get gesture down, almost would always rely on contours so this once I tried to focus on the motion as much as I could so sorry if they seem a little bad.
Hey Vesuvio,
It's good your back to drawing. These drawings are more in the spirit of gesture drawings then what you were doing before. The first two drawings are pretty good, I can really feel the movement. But one of the things I noticed is that you are not including the head in the gesture, it looks like an after thought. Try to find a gesture line that goes from the head, through the whole body (or as much of the body as you can). Also, pay attention to the angles of the body, some of your drawings are tilted too much or too straight up and down. I did some sketches to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)