Aims Einsley
United States
Hi! I like to paint. 🎨 I like to rock climb, knit, and read as well. Currently learning woodwork for my own taboret !
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Aims Einsley
added comment inKarla Ortiz Q&A (LIVESTREAM)
I missed the stream due to errands, but I'll be watching later today.
Aims Einsley
Just saw the winners. Congrats everyone!
I'm going to work on my poster more lol, but it's going to dry appropriately this time. :)
Sorry guys, we have to delay the announcement till tomorrow :( There are some issues with the video and there's no way it's going out today! We'll try to get it out as early in the morning as possible.
Asked for help
Heheh, uh, I started a bit late but I'm doing oil on canvas, approximately 23.7x36 (around .88% of the poster size). Hope I can get done in time. Oils take a while to dry so I've been using a medium to help speed it along. I have a lot of things to fix but I can't add too much with seven days to complete.
I'm done. :') This is in traditional oils, with some tonal curves thrown in because my paint was still wet and shiny. It's one of those old movie type posters, maybe cheesy horror. There was a lot of light pollution in my room so I had to darken the poster.
AIMS EINSLEY is your average college student struggling with terminal procrastination and immeasurable disappointment in all things breathing. While on a holiday trip back home, she discovers a portal to the underworld that wasn't there before, and out pops the SCARIEST, UGLIEST, PIECE OF ELDRITCH ABOMINATION TO EVER WALK THE EARTH. It's none other than her OLDER SISTER. Using her ever trusty modified Nerferator 9000 Mavericka aka "Destroyer of evil demon sisters" Aims embarks on a journey to rid the streets of the terrifying abomination before it ruins her holiday fun (and maybe the world, I guess).
Part b-rated horror, part Malcolm in the Middle, there is no love spared between the two sisters in this exciting new thriller, THE ELDRITCH ABOMINATION IN MY ROOM.
Critics call it "the next cult classic!", "Boy I wish I had an abominal Eldritch sister", and "Ugh, you are so immature" from an unknown source underestimating how immature I can really be.
The DVD also includes a commentary titled "Sis I Love You, But You Need Jesus!" and an alternative ending where my eldritch of a sister spits ectoplasma at me for no particular reason.
This poster is about my attitude towards my older sister, and that one time where I modified a nerf maverick so it could shoot further from a safer distance and I could outrun her trying to chase me down.
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Your poster made me smile so much!! and I love the old movie poster style. Great job using traditional oils :D I'm one of the critics who want an abominal Eldritch sister 😜
hello and nice to meet you!
oh my god, the artwork's really amazing, the concept is on point, I just love the whole story shjdf-
really curious to see how this movie will go ahaha! the emphasis of how the story goes also can be seen in the artwork, which is amazing! 💜🌻
With this being a learning experience for me as well as for fun, I want to document my processes and development thinking patterns. Concept art for me is a recent lightbulb in my brain and hobby I want to pursue for personal art reasons and directions (mostly along the lines of world building and story telling for myself and others interested in this type of stuff). As you can plainly see in my description of what I am really trying to do is still being defined, explored and yeah I’m a lost excited puppy in the rain here. So, I am looking for generic feedback and would welcome focused feedback if you can see me struggling with a theme or a technique that I keep coming back to. With that out of the way…
As a forward note: I am using Procreate and an app called Pose. Will update as I move forward with any other major apps I may put to use.
Day 1, Step 1. Figuring out what my movie’s genre will be. I play in a LARP (well did before this whole Covid thing) called Dystopia Rising. It is a dystopian, future horror and zombie full immersion weekend long LARP held several months out of the year. My character Remington has a fake MtG card designed after him with a great photo of me in my LARP gear and an awesome saying for flavor text that nails my character. Since I really like horror fantasy and dystopian science fiction, I figured that is the direction I want to take my movie genre in.
Day 1, Step 2. Figuring out overall concept design for movie poster with the genre in mind. I looked up zombie horror movie posters and found 3 that I really liked that had some aspect I really liked about it. I wanted it to really challenge me, bring in techniques and such I barely recognize as a beginner, but want to push myself into learning. My overall design which you will see below I think captures the feel I’m looking for and what aspects of the original posters I like. The “look” of I Am Legend with background elements from both that and Zombie Apocalypse Now and foreshadows and text blocks of Zombieland 2.
Day 1, Step 3. Quick line art and some color blocking. Nope, probably looks like scribble to everyone else, but I got the idea of what I would like where, the color range and potential palette. I forgot to add one aspect I wanted to, so will correct soon.
Day 1 Technical Issues… so on my iPad Pro I can’t design a 27”x41” canvas in Procreate. I don’t have enough memory maybe? I dunno. So, I halved it to 13.5” x 20.5” and intend on “blowing it up” to twice the size down the road before final submission. But for now, will be working on a half-sized canvas.
Here are my next immediate plans, where I’ll execute most of this (hopefully) and will update in the next day or so.
Step 4. Perspective layout. The street continues behind Remington and his puppy into a vanishing point that isn’t “seen” by the viewer. Same with some city buildings, a river, and a falling bridge. In the very back background, are more buildings. All of this needs to be outlined in Perspective View in Procreate to give me the lines to use moving forward.
Step 5. Using Pose, I will put together the mannequin of Remington and import him into the foreground of the canvas on a layer above the perspective layer. I am learning how to draw faces (Loomis method) and starting to do 1st grade anatomy drawings, so Pose is a shortcut/crutch that is allowing me to jump ahead of my actual skill level by taking care of base body language positioning.
Step 6. Using a spare layer that I might even delete almost immediately, put down color blocking again, to see if things look OK. Will take notes for the final color palette.
Step 7. Post my next update and read and appreciate any feedback I get before moving on. I am keeping myself open to the fact that I may have to redo or rethink something during the next steps.
Ok that’s it for now, will report again in a day or two when these steps are done!