Proko 3D - New Sculpting YouTube Channel
Stan Prokopenko
We just created a new YouTube channel called Proko 3D! We’re developing so much new content now that it makes sense to create a dedicated channel for traditional and digital sculpting. This Thursday, @Andrew Keith is releasing a course on the basics of figure sculpting in clay. The free content from that course will be available on that YouTube channel, published weekly :) We need your help to make this new channel thrive. If sculpting and 3D modeling interest you at all, please subscribe and share the channel with anyone else you think might benefit from some sculpting lessons. It would really help us out to bring you even more Proko content!
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Irene Jane
Your time and thoughtfulness are much appreciated. I will be eternally thankful to you because you are the one who inspires me the most.
Elizabeth Johanson
Those are surely worth appreciated! I am also learning creating 3D models that have become very easy now with the 3D imaging system by Walabot, I even got that at 30% off deal at their website below
Mike O'Sullivan
This is killer! I am currently trying to create a self teaching curriculum, and needed some sculpting resources both digital and traditional. I haven't done either in a long time, so this will be incredibly helpful.
Storm Engineer
Nice! I really want to get into sculpting. I hope there will be more than just a few videos available for free though because sadly, as much as I would love to pay for this course, I don't see myself being able to afford it any time in the coming years. :(
Anthony Francisco
That's a great idea !! Can't wait to explore the new channel !
Anthony Francisco
Yes I do sculpt. I use Z-brush mostly to help with my concept art. Here are a few examples I did for Gears of War 4 , when I designed the final boss and a mini boss for the game. But I think the final design for the last boss changed a bit.
Stan Prokopenko
Germán Olivera
This is great. Hope to see some Scott Flanders sculptures here aswell
fantastic! I just began practicing sculpting in Blender and am enthusiastic about improving my skills. Additionally considering experimenting with conventional sculpting
Stan Prokopenko
Ya I'm sure we'll have him on the channel at some point. Probably soon... @Scott Flanders you up for it this summer?
Kolja Kaehler
Ah, wonderful! I've started sculpting in Blender a while ago, and am eager to up my game! Also thinking about trying out traditional sculpting.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Yeah I highly recommend trying some traditional sculpting. Like drawing with paper it has a beneficial tactile element that’s good to feel and learn and I’ve found the knowledge transfers easily over to digital 3D work whereas the opposite (going from digital to traditional) is more difficult.
Sean Brooks
Perfect timing !
Perfect timing! My sculpting supplies is coming in this week & I just purchased the portrait sculpting course. I look forward to seeing the new content!
Andrew Joseph Keith
Nice! What type of clay did you get?
I am looking forward to Zbrush content!
Rubén Frutos
I just started learning ZBrush so I’ll suscribe and patiently wait for that content.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Sean Ramsey
Awesome! Very excited for this new course to go up. Gonna have to get me some of that sweet clay off Amazon and start bending out tools from wire hangars because this is gonna be great!
Stan Prokopenko
Oh cool. What kind of stuff do you want to sculpt?
Andrew Joseph Keith
oh yeah! There’s gonna be lessons on types of clay and making tools so those should help!
mikiyas solomon
I'm excited about it!
Andrew Joseph Keith
Alec Brubaker
excited for this!
Andrew Joseph Keith
Me too!
Andrew Joseph Keith
So excited to be launching a new course and this new channel will soon be full of great content for sculptors!
I notice that most of your sculptures are of the male figures. Would we have choices as to whether we want to work on a male or female figure in your class?
Awesome! I have been hoping for more sculpting content (especially traditional sculpting content)
Katey Jensma
@aristotle Me too! I can’t wait for Figure Sculpting 😊
Andrew Joseph Keith
There definitely will be! And a whole new course in traditional sculpting.
Stan Prokopenko
There is A LOT coming :)
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