Germán Olivera
Germán Olivera
Illustrator in training
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Germán Olivera
Hi ya'll here is my entry. Scient: A former scout bot cursed with an ever-looping command for learning. Once he acquired the ability of self-modification, his transformation began, the more he glimpsed, the more he learnt and the more knowledge he gathered, the further he could see. Now, despite being able to witness opposite edges of the universe, he's yet to learn a way to move his new misshapen body.
Hahah, I love the concept and the story!!
James Villa
I like it its neat!!!
Germán Olivera
Mike Mignola, Daniel Warren Johnson or James Harren
After valuable feedback, I tried again with singer Dani Filth. My goal was sketching fast but still keep the important information readable. Important for me was that the basic head shape becomes visible and the distribution and proportion of the facials can be recognized. After trying different head shapes I stick to the squared shape and tried to make it more recognizable. All together I spend about 25 minutes on this exercise now. I looks pretty messy but I want to work it out later and for me it is understandable.
Germán Olivera
Hi there, great use of shapes, I decided to give it a go aswell :) If I can give a suggestion, you shouldn't ignore the room that the face ocuppies in the head. It looks like you are filling the headshape with the face whereas Dani´s face looks rather small in comparison to his head size. Think about it like the blank space in a composition, it gives room to breath.
Germán Olivera
How much work do you need in your animation portfolio? especially for a beginner
Germán Olivera
Portfolio advice: Do you select your work to match what the company you are aplying to is looking for? or you try to show your individual work and hope they hire you for who you are?
Germán Olivera
James Harren, Daniel Warren Johnson, Mike Mignola, Guy Davis and Elsa Charretier to name some comic book artist, there is also TB Choi, Max Grecke, Max Ulichney, Scott Flanders and Knight Zhang on the concept art business. And as a bonus, the most underrated and innovative IG artist i´ve seen @dudydoodie
Germán Olivera
This is so relatable, this are some mentality tips that helped me: 1- I think Snoop Dog said once: "Don´t fall in love with the product, fall in love with the process". In art, failing and making horrible "products" may feel wrong, but thats just part of a healthy process. As hard as it may sound, you gotta acept your art sometimes will "suck". With time, you wont just accept it but actually be HAPPY failing, after all, you are in the part when quitting is most tempting, prevailing feels good. 2- I know trying to learn all the foundamentals is overwhelming. Focuse on one at a time. I would suggest working on form and gesture at the beggining. If you can´t make a figure look right with less than 10 gestural lines, how will you be able to do so with shadding, anatomy , lighting and whatever-fundamental-you-can-think-off on top. Going from big ideas to details is the way to go. 3- Don´t forget that as you learn, your knowledge will increase FASTER than your skills. That means your taste will be greater than the art you are able to produce. That feeling may be confused with not improving, so just be aware of that and keep grinding. 4- This may sound a bit harsh, but take a look at yourself and question if this is actually what you wanna do. If you decide to make your living out of art, then you know the deal: there is a looong path ahead and the earlier you follow the process, the earlier you'll feel good with you art. If thats not what you had envisioned, then learn to enjoy art again as a hobbie. There is absolutelly nothing wrong with making art just for pleasure. No mather which path you take, if you are being honest with yourself, you'll feel happier with your art. PS This are the books that helped me the most. : "Michael Hapton: Figure drawing design and invetion" Perfect for any skillset. "Force" by Michael Matessi, once you are decent with gesture, this will give you the extra push. And Andrew Lumis' "Fun with a pencil", helpful when you feel ready to start drawing from imagination
Germán Olivera
Not much backstory. I just wanted to draw a pompous a-hole of a demon. This one in particular is a loud mouth who shows his true colors once he loses. Plus some preliminary sketches that are way cooler than the final result as usual
Scott Flanders
These drawing pages are great. Nice work German. Keep it up.
Alec Brubaker
Great job! those shapes are looking really fun. And that is an awesome idea for a character!
John B
Nice work
The transformation is pretty cool! I love the chaotic energy of the preliminary sketches too
Great job. The preliminaries remind me of Scott’s process. Have you taken his Monster Lab course?
Germán Olivera
I decided to go for an atlantean soldier mixing the greek and acuatic references. Plus some ideation I did beforehand
Chris Schmidt
cool concept
Germán Olivera
The negative space advice is a game changer, now you got me going back filling older pages :D
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