Kaijune Mudfish!
I was reminded earlier here that Kaijune has begun. It'll be a good practice for me to push shapes and just have fun doing crazy monsters :) I hope some of you join as well!
Also please feel free to critique me even if I'm a critiquer! I am along for the ride for improving.
And even if you don't have an "art critique," feel free to share your thoughts about where you think an idea can go. A lot of what concept design is are the ideas and stories behind our images and anyone can help with that!
Asked for help
Hey Josh would love to get some of your insight on these big boys iv'e done for kaijune - dodging linework and going direct to shape just using the lasso tool.
A Kaiju I came up with last year on Kaijune. I love Pacific Rim and Kaiju/mecha related themes. This year though for me is all about learning mecha and industrial design so far.
I'm going to keep this post as a thread- as suggested by @Rubén Frutos ! The pace of these kinds of challenges are challenging!
oooh I can't wait to see more, what would maybe add more is perhaps some scars or details that tell a bit more about what area it is from in the Ocean. or lives more closer to the beach and has old wounds from fishermen attacking him or a collection of fishing lures he takes as thropy to add more character to him
it could fit in a Star Wars movie for sure. I imagine him wearing a dirty apron and serving you some oily fish haha
I love the design and the skin texture you implied with just a few strokes!
i’d like to see more of your Kaijune designs, will you be posting them here as a “thread”?
He looks super cool, right out of a swamp. Would love to see him in a spooky environment (not a suggestion, I know that means tons of work, but I can really see him lurking in the mud :D ).
This is really cool! I really dig the face!
I don't have a critique so much as a suggestion. I don't know if you already thought of this or not, but some monster poses that give the audience an idea what the monsters character is like. Just a thought :)