Felix Roman
Park Forest, Illinois
I wanna get good at art so I can draw my characters dynamically. Big goal is to be a comic artist and make a comic of my characters
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added comment inTimed sketches. Looking for advice on how to be less messy
Efficiency comes with practice. Like handwriting. You get faster and it gets easier the more you use it.
Your drawings have energy to them. I like how you drew all of godzillas spikes. It gives him depth.
I liked your monster figures, so I did my own 10 minute drawing to try it out. Mine turned out too fat.
keep up the practice and you will get better!
although I’m pretty happy with how these turned out. I wanna be able to do these more efficiently since I plan to do these daily with a myriad of objects in order to learn construction and simplification.
Steve Lenze
Hey Felix,
When doing gesture, you want to look for an "S" or "C" curve that describes the pose from top to bottom. I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean :)
Felix Roman
Asked for help
Practice gesture drawing for a while with Marc brunet’s course but giving this course a shot to get more insight. Any advice on how I can improve is appreciated!
I’ve been doing gesture drawing for roughly a month but I still don’t fully understand it. I’m not gonna say I haven’t improved from where I started but my gestures are still kinda stiff and hard to read. I’m not sure what I should do to fix them. (Also forgot to save all the reference so there’s only a few I salvaged)