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added comment in3 Weeks to Better Gesture Drawing
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week 2 submisson 🥹 limbs and connections are still my weakest part...
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my week 1 submission 🙌 trying with fountain pen for gesture. still need to figuring out what to do with 5mins gesture (i noticed i was rushing alot 🫠)
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here's my few attempts. gonna watch demo and review the material next. critiques are much appriciate 🙇
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this is hard 🫠 i can't focus and it's so easy to lose track what i was measuring or comparing with...
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level 1 + draw along the 2hrs livestreams 🙌 gonna try and put this project into my daily routine 🙇
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nessiePls! i did in procreate to get familiar with the brush, pardon for the sloppy pressure line work 😁 these are very fun!