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added comment inProject - Wheels on Vehicles
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Here is my entry for level 1. I am still struglling bit as the sideways wheels are little wonky, but it was still fun to try.
I love it!, really very good, at least for me. I think the quality of the line and the proportions are very good. Congratulations.
Hey, that was fun.
I did Did 2 20 minutes and then I found out that I struggle with gesture of the nose.
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Hi, thanks for the lesson. This one took some time but I am glad that I dit it.
I did 2 assignments from easy challenge and 2 from intermidiete challenge.
For the hard part I added a light bulb as a secondary source. I intend to be not stronger then main light source from window but stronger then second bounce from window so I mostly let closer cast shadows bit sharper and add bit of orange smudge where bounced light from window could not quite reached.
With best regards,
Maxmilian Tomas
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Hi! thanks for the lesson
I went with Intermediate Challenge for this assignment and I hope the level of render is enough. To keep things simple I did everything with regular sfot air brush with opacity with presure sensitivy.
One thing I change was that I made the floor much more light to increase the influence of reflected light (I was feeling like it would beraly visible if it was supposed to bounce from very dark floor).
With best regards, have a great day.
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A little lite, but here is my assignemnt. Thanks for the lesson, I like to try to learn new approach, but I have a mixed feelings about this method.
I felt that I saved some time that my blending layers are taking care of shadows so I can focus more on flat colors, but on other hand I felt abit of mental friction when deciding and seperating occlusion shadows from core shadows and higlights so after some struggle I ended up merging all my shadows and higlights into one layer with overlay mode and have only one multiple layer for just core shadows. Then I painted my colors over it.
So right now I don't feel any strong advantages over the previous process (Colorazing grayscale paiting - demo1) where we painted a layer with values and let blending mode take care of colors.
But thanks again for the lesson, of course I am glad I tried new approach, I guess I will probably appreciate it more with more experience.
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Here is my assigment.
I liked that witch theme in colorizing grayscale demo so I painted one in black and white and then colorized with blending modes, which was fun and I think gradient map is now my new favorite blending mode as i could easily create new nice color setup from antlers to fur.
As for light sources I went for cold blue from the upper right and warm orange-ish from the bottom left.
Thanks so much for the lesson.
I used a reference number 3 for my assignment.
I didn't draw a thumnail exactly, but I used a flat color mapping instead.
As for the main paiting I diverged from the reference mostly in this: in reference we have two light source, the orange warn on the left and cool white on the right and in my paiting swap them as I wanted the river to receive the most light, while left rest of the foliage and rocks on the left I wanted to be mostly in a shadow. Also in the reference most of the foliage is grouped in dark values and this way the foliege on the right can have a little bit more brither values.
I used a photobashing for a texture on the water.
Thanks for the lesson.
Asked for help
Hey jo people,
here are my submissions for the assignment, I spend about two evenings on one piece, my most obvious weak points I think are the hands and feet.
Something that I really need to work on is keeping a consistent edge quality when working with a textured brush, as I find myself losing control more often than not and getting a muddied result in the end.
I hope you like my pieces and feedback of any sort is greatly appreciated.