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Asked for help
I realize that this takes a lot of focus, and working it out slowly.
I feel like I should have taken these a bit farther, now that I look at it…
I had a great time with this….helped me really focus on drawing and creating and gave me the push I always seem to need to finish and not give up when it seems daunting to me.
Peter Bajzek
That's really nice! Regards.
Lars Krause
Very cool design, really enjoyed looking at this!
Just finished doing a master study on Norman Rockwells kid sitting on a stump. I’ve always liked the way his work is so detailed, and it seems simple. Until, of course, I started drawing it, and realized how difficult it really was. I had a lot of fun doing it, but I realized my proportions were off a bit, so I spent most of my effort as instructed, to focus on line work and shading. Definitely not an easy task.
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