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Asked for help
Would love any feedback, this was definitely a super difficult one for me to do!
Melanie Scearce
Your line quality is beautiful in this drawing. Super clean work. It's really helpful for me to lightly sketch the basic shape of what I'm drawing, like an envelope, so I can get the proportions and angles right. I made this demo to show what I'm seeing when I look at this snail in terms of simplifying to CSI, and my process. The analysis phase is really important so you can go in with a plan. Notice that in my initial sketch, I made the back half of a body a straight line, and then added a C and S curve to make it a more complex shape that better represents the reference image. I think that's the main thing that's off about your drawing -- straight lines represent stability and structure. Your drawing has few straight lines, and feels a bit like it's floating. Hope that helps, the idea is a bit abstract. You're doing great!
I think you pretty much nailed the body but I think you should try again with the shell. The form and orientation is off.
Hello, Second attempt at this exercise, would love any feedback on what I can do to improve even more!! Thanks in advance <3 (The right is my first attempt and the left is my second)
First attempt at this exercise, would appreciate any feedback on what I can do to improve.
Really great first attempt, I like the edges! Try comparing the highlighted values. Are they all the same or do some appear darker than others?
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