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Vee Sprunki0110
added comment inDemo - Dynamic Shapes from Reference
Well, I learned from the best.
Vee Sprunki0110
OMG me looking back at this a year later be like: What the fu- IMA DRAW IT AGAIN-
James Goodman
All this will do is lead me to spend a butt ton of time looking up reference.... I would like to just be able to open my sketchbook and draw. That's why my sketchbooks have one drawing per page and it's something I copied. Because I rarely have ideas and when I do, I don't know how to draw them.
I made something called Kooka, Mate! Now I can’t stop! Just find something you like, Print it, then draw! I don’t do that, I have a crazy imagination, Mate! I draw something in my mind, then draw it! It can be something from memory that I saw made from AI, or other people! So that’s why I draw so good, I made my classmate question why he still draws! Anyway, later, Mate! Also Irshad, Mate, Please don’t say Hell. My sis uses this website. (c" ತ,_ತ)