Hobby drawer. Software engineer. Pixel artist. Game developer.
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Here my level 1 boxes. It was fun drawing them with blobs, never did that before :)
Gannon Beck
Good job, Stefan!
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My rhythms assigment, feedback is very appreciated. I did them over multiple sessions over the last week or so. I drew over some of them when checking the proportions. Will do some more after watching the demo and feedback videos :)
Margaret Langston
Hi, Martha: I really like your Rythm drawings as well. You've done some great analysis. I know that Prof. P has emphasized clean lines but I think you could afford to "make a bit of a mess" and draw through the forms more. He does that in his demos as well. My feeling is that It's good to go back and forth between extremes because it helps us find our own balance. I think this exercise is really key. Making connections quickly in a drawing can really move us forward. It helps me see so much more than I did before. What a joy to be able to do this, right?
Martha Muniz
Hi there! I like your draftsmanship in terms of line quality and general figure proportion. It's also great that you were proactive in checking against the reference and drawing over. I would say that there's some tendency to stick to the contour of the figure rather than the focusing on the flow, as well as being a bit hesitant when it comes to the energy and exaggeration of the pose. An exercise that helps me loosen up is starting out with a series of 30 second (or 1 minute) figure rhythms. It doesn't really look pretty, but the outcome is that it forces you to really focus on just the energy and simplification of the pose within a few lines. The rapid series is also good to get you pushing for more exaggeration, so it can be a good warm up beforehand. When it comes to assignment, it seems like you're starting to find ways to connect the line of the spine throughout the rest of the figure, and this is on the right track. Try to find ways to connect any line into other areas of the body, whether it be the arm into the shoulder, the torso into the neck, etc. to really push the sense of rhythm throughout. Also, don't feel obligated to have perfect proportions. Having areas of exaggeration where the figure goes even further into the motion can really take your drawings to the next level. Hope this helps! :)
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Level-1 assignment: I'd love some feedback on this. I like the second and 5th one. Not so sure about the others :)
Here a few more after watching the demo video
Here my assignments for level 1. Image 1: Traced by hierarchy of importance Image 2: Traced by shadows and light I like the second one much much more. (it also took a lot more time :) )
Here are my assignments. I HAD to go with a Hollow Knight theme, after Proko mentioned bugs! :D Image 1: Multiple sketches + final piece Image 2: Progress (rough sketch, then clean lines) Image 3: References I had the urge to add some color in the end, hope you like it.
Wow really nice. Love the multiple sketches page. I would have gone for number 1 for the final drawing as I like the pose abit more without the shield covering most of the face. This is great work. Wish I could do the same.
Here my assignments. I'm trying to improve at digital art, but I'm having a hard time. I did the snails and camel a few weeks ago, but then got demotivated. Tried to get into the project again a few days ago and attempted to draw the boots. Still not too happy and got demotivated by the laces. :D
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Here are some pears :)
I did two more attempts at the portrait practice, after watching the critique videos. Got somewhat impatient after a while and didn't finish cleaning up the shapes. :( But I wanted to share anyway. So here they are.
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Here my first 6 apples. I think I drifted too much into the pink colors, so I tried something different for the last one. I'm still a bit slow. Took about 15-20 mins per apple. Will try some other fruit next. :)
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Here my first few basic color cubes. :)
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