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Ahti S.
added comment inProko Challenge My Life Movie Poster - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
This is my entry for this month’s prokochallenge! I imagine myself being one of my original characters in an animated short film called "Windroots", which is about 3 close friends on a great journey.
Julia Whitenight
Beautiful work! The format seems slightly wrong for a movie poster, but this would be a gorgeous children's book cover!
hello and nice to meet you!! totally in love with this style, the brushstrokes are amazing!! they are so simple and abstrack but really tells the story! and I love the characters that you make here, they are all sooo cute! I overall love this whole concept, the vibes as well, it's so wonderful!!💜🌻
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Awww I would definitely watch this movie with this poster :D lovely work!

Marilia Silva
lovely characters
Love the way the background was done and the way the animal characters are drawn!
Sonja Müller
They are so adorable! Relly well drawn chatacters. And you chose wonderful colors for the snowy environment.
Ahti S.
Hello Jeremy Cranford :) I´m a 19 year old artist from Germany with the big dream to become a professional artist. I´ll attend a university in Switzerland in a few months to study Animation. I´m not quite sure yet what exactly I want to do in the future but I can imagine myself working in the animation industry, working as a freelance artist or illustrating books! There are so many things I am passionate about :) Thank you so much for the opportunity!
Hi Ahti, I really your animal paintings. Do you ever watch Aaron Blaise's youtube videos? I think you'll like him. The advice I'd give you is to go to school and learn all of the fundamentals. Find out the things you like and don't like then let the art take you where it wants to. I remember thinking I'd work as an album artist but when I graduated from school there were only CD-roms and then those went away. So you never now what opportunities await but the doors never open if you don't do the required training. Good luck!