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5-minute sketches, except the last which was 30 seconds. I made a lot of beginner mistakes, especially with proportions, I went off the page, made the legs of the figure too long/upper portion too short I think...
I agree with your assessment, though I think they all show the potential for growth. In addition to what you said, I would say for the 5 minute sketches, you show slightly too much focus on the surface forms and contour. They are fairly gestural, and sometimes when one had 5 minutes, it can be tempting to add those to the figure. However, if you are trying to practice gesture and rhythm drawing, it likely will not help very much. However, your 30-second drawing looks to me to be an excellent example of what this exercise is looking for, and certainly looks well-designed.
Asked for help
Dang. That's really quite good
Sorry, random question, but I noticed in your bio that you mentioned that you went to BYU. What was your major?
Josh Black
So sorry for the late response on this! I did go to BYU I majored in Illustration:)
Three 2-5 minute gesture sketches I did to practice, and then the final drawing, which was about 25 for the mermaid, and then a little bit more for the background and sea snake monster thing.
As you may already be able to tell, I am in need of serious improvement on my 2 minute gesture drawing, but I am not entirely sure what to change. If you can help, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
Memori 0
Hi, these actually look fine and I'm sure you will improve over time with practice. For now I would say work on line confidence, (pre) visualize where your line is gonna be and ghost it in before you actually put a line down. you'll end up with a few lines that look better instead of 10 lines that make it look messy.
Heather Houston
I feel your pain. It is definitely uncomfortable, especially if you have never been exposed to this sort of thing.
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