Activity Feed
Four attempts at level 2
Rachel Dawn Owens
Looking great! Thanks for sharing! I know this assignment isn’t about anatomy, but I think this could benefit your drawings. Overall, great stuff! Keep it up!
Level 1, started to get the hang of these about half way through after watching the demo.
Did some of the lab equipment at work from memory. Added the window as an after thought and wish I'd spent more time to get it straight.
My kitchen from memory, things got a little funky with the upper right cabinets
JJ Anyabolu
Wow, Its actually a nice perspective drawing, Especially since you drew it from memory
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Finding myself trying to simplify with simple shapes, sketching them in light, then trying to come back and connect things with darker and more flowy lines. I may be missing the intent of "rhythm"?
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45 minute session, tried to be loose and sketchy for a first draft with a 2h pencil, then come back and hit the rhythms I had kind of hunted out on the first pass with second 4b pass. Really fun, not sure I'm doing a great job but really enjoy the freedom in these...
Did quite a few of these. Hard to not just draw what I see and try to actively design the shapes.
Melanie Scearce
You did a great job! Try keep your lines long, light, and loose
Second try. Tried to start with a better cropped reference so I could use negative space around the image to check proportions... still had to correct several times. Next time will rely more on measurements relative to features in the face...
Melanie Scearce
I like your idea to use the negative space, but it's cool that you are trying different approaches! Hope the next go around yields even better results!
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