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after a few days of practice i feel like i am getting the hang of the one minute ones more and more. allot of fun
my first try at 1 minute poses , i feel like my proportions still need allot of work.
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My Idea for a more exotic Lizard
tried my hand on some animal sketches
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i noticed that my pressure is very light.. i don't know if that's a bad or good thing for this stage x)
Steven Wolf
Nice lines. Is that digital or pencil and paper? I think drawing lightly is important, so it is good that you can do that, but being able to also draw darker is important too. Often when I press down harder than I am used to on my iPad I have less control with my lines, because I am not as used to doing that. So that is something to consider. If you don't practice it you will not be as good at it. Keep in mind that if your lines are so light that people have a hard time seeing them, they are not going to care as much how good you lines are.
i am definitely someone who prefers the more loose and sketchy approach, just because I'm having way more fun and its easier to show emotions and stuff
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