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Designing Dragons


  1. Draw 20 bent cylinders and 20 bent boxes.
  2. Draw 20 twisted boxes.
  3. Draw 20 squashed or stretched simple forms. 
Literal mind bender :), tried to visualize and draw from imagination from start. But also looked around and found a block of a spongy insulation material to bend and especially twist to get a sense of how the contour lines goes. To take a break and just look and ponder upon at times, then back to the drawing board again.
Bent cylinders are probably the hardest to get. I spend some time after looking at a 3d model to get how the silhouette line can get obscured in different orientations and bend angles. Will be returning to them in the future.
Twisting boxes really destroyed my brain! I was sitting there for almost an hour on just one of the boxes. But then I found a solution: Mark related corners with different colours so I could connect them. I started to get the hang of it! You can see where I stopped using red guidelines, and didn't have to have these red underdrawings to start with. I started being able to imagine them. YES!
Peter Bajzek
It's been a while. I guess the comment section is gone now? I don't want a critique even though I'm posting using the "request critique" button. I'm posting because I want to share my progress. I will ask for critiques eventually, once I get to the later, more advanced level modules. But critiques for these beginner level modules aren't helpful. If you really want to give me feed back on them that's up to you. drawing 20 twisty boxes with no repeating designs required pushing the twists past 45 degrees. there's only so many ways you can draw a cube with a slight twist after that you're just drawing the same thing. only variety comes by including rectangle instead of box and perspective but even then you'll be repeating or very close to repeating the same shapes. It might seem like some of them are different until you rotate one (which essentially shifts perspective) and see that its exactly like a different twisty box. I added my own variety of twists. I understand twisty boxes are used in drawing imaginative characters so its good thing to be able to do,. But as an assignment the number of boxes that can be created (without repeating shapes. Mirrored or rotated its still repeating) If the assignment did not require only unique twisty boxes and repeating boxes then I misunderstood the assignment. I thought the assignment was about drawing the twisty boxes well, which I can do, so I went for variety instead. In Imaginative drawing variety is a good skill to have and so that's the goal I set for myself.
Vue Thao
XD ouch
The fuzzy, searching lines of a pencil makes it harder for you and anybody who wants to offer advice to see what could be improved. I recommend using a good pen. You seem to be on the right track with your understanding of perspective. I recommend drawing through your forms. Check out Do lesson 1 and the 250 box challenge. And keep up with the exercises it introduces as warmups.
Alberto Pardina
The twisting of the assignment was difficult for me as well. Had to look up some reference to see how it would look like in. The squash and stretch forms were fun to do!
Maggie Lasko
Definitely found this challenging. The twisting especially took a bit to wrap my head around
A fantastic brain teaser, sorry the photos are terrible. My phone got busted and its really hard to take photos now. But it was great practice, I need to do more.
Something Else
Was a lot more uncertain about the stretched and squashed shapes than I had expected. This assignment felt like it bent, twisted, and squished my brain TToTT
Irene Kael
This is is good! By far to me the easiest thing to draw is the cylinder, I can draw boxes as their normal form but twisting and bending them is kinda hard. How'd you manage to twist and bend your boxes ;-; ~
Russell Fairchild
This one definitely worked my brain out o.O
Pavel Kviatko
Struggled with this one a lot, but started to get it by the end. Still no stabilization :)
Fatima Almoumen
Hi, I had an enjoyable time doing this assignment even if some of them look a bit weird. And I’m starting to get how this is going to come into play later. Also it is a useful warm up exercise. :)
I think I over-complicated some of the bent boxes and that I should have made a tighter line on the stretches.
Antonio Stappaerts
Good, now try to play around with different shapes of boxes. Right now you twisted the same box each time :)
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Concept Artist for Game & Film / Owner of Art-Wod School. Clients include Sony Playstation, Ubisoft, Volta, Playwing, Framestore, Amazon
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