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jeez I feel lost this was so humbling lol
Day 2 of CSI simplification, feel pretty good about these but still feel like I’m struggling with proportions a little. Please critique!
still doing mine and also feels good knowing I’m not the only one recently doing this challenge 😁😂
Day 1 of CSI lines project. I feel proud of them but my light or planning lines are a bit dark and I struggle to do them lighter, may switch to a lighter pencil. Also feel a lot better with proportions and sizing or seeing improvement, especially fitting more on page (thank you Dawn!). Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Sorry it’s a bit difficult to see. Could someone please critique these, I feel pretty good about them and more confident about lines but proportions are super difficult for me and also sizing as I’ll take up a bunch of the paper with 2 drawing and work around that. Something just feels off, any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Rachel Dawn Owens
Wow! Horses and Deer are super difficult to draw. Im happy to see you went for it. I like your drawings. The blue bird is my favorite. He’s very smooth. For proportions, you can try some simple measurements on the page to start. Just the top, bottom and center of the subject you are drawing. Draw these few lines on the page to start and you can place your drawings a little more easily. Drawing too large is typically a better problem to have than drawing too small. You’re doing great. Heres my own attempt at how I may draw the deer using CSI lines. Maybe this helps you out. There is no ‘right’ answer. Take what you want and then add your own thing to it. Hope this helps! Keep it up!
Attempt at skeleton. I struggled with this one the most, I didn’t know where to start or how to properly size proportions. Tried to simplify without getting caught in detail, going to watch demo and see how I can improve but any feedback would be great!
Attempt at camel, found it a bit more challenging, especially with proportions. I’d appreciate any feedback!
attempt at the snail, simplified version. Also reminded myself not to spend too much time on this. Any feedback would be GREATLY appreciated, I struggled with the snails shell on the bottom so any tips would be appreciated also!
Probably took a little more time than needed for a practice but this is my first attempt at the boots, I’m actually proud of my first attempt! Please critique, need feedback, thank you :)
This is my 3rd attempt, not sure if I feel better about this than the second. If anyone could critique It would be much appreciated!
Rachel Dawn Owens
Nice pear drawing! The shapes are nicely simplified here. I think the lighter shadow tone could be a little darker. Good job overall!
First and second attempt, I feel a lot better about contour and proportions of the second one after watching video but not where I it to be YET. Please critique and give me any feedback! Especially with shading.
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