Riin Kuro
Riin Kuro
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lvl 2 attempt at the skull, messed up some of the proportions, this is the jump in difficulty where I very easily get discouraged because mistakes become more noticable or most "impactful". Hope to improve what can I say, any critique is welcome (:
Riin Kuro
This actually really isn’t that shabby of a start- please don’t get discouraged! Ultimately it’s just a matter of training your eye to notice things you wouldn’t casually off hand notice ! like how there’s a curve from the upper portion of the skull into the teeth and it’s not just a straight edge- and how that adds length to the top jaw overall before it juts out to the mandible. It also helps to note that between the top and bottom jaw, there’s no clear defined line— the line that’s there is hinted at due to the alignment of the two, but it’s primarily built on the spacing of the teeth. the angle of your hat is tilted at a more upwards angle than the actual reference- keep in mind as the hat goes from the brim to the top, the perspective of what you see changes! It’s not completely one directional like the skull is facing. I hope this helps give you more to look at! Remember to take a step back and see what’s really going on, also reaaaaallly helps to just straight up step away and then come back to it with fresh eyes !
Hi! I'm Idellia and I'm new here! Honestly, i can't really afford to buy any courses here. I'm learning to draw through YouTube and I still want to held myself accountable for my progress, so, I want to share the sketches I had learn from the basics playlist. Here are my sketches of pear and that one from "Learning to sketch from Imagination". I picked heron because I'm interested at how elegant ant vigilant it was makes me feel. During the process, I struggled at 2 things: - Downsizing the subject onto paper - Keeping it simple as possible Yet I enjoyed at how I managed to give it a shot! So, what do you think are the parts I need to improve here? Critiques are greatly appreciated, thank u!
Riin Kuro
There is SO much to unpack here! Good morning I’m Riin! I’m going to try my hand at critiquing and coaching you a bit here .. Your herons are incredibly advanced subjects to target after. This is not a bad thing! It just means there’s a lot more going on in the subject matter to pay attention to that your eye is yet trained to look for. With that being said your third drawing attempt of these birds is your most solid as you allowed the sketchy lines in to represent direction of the feathering and you inputted contour lines to help yourself understand and translate understanding of the curvature of the neck. Let’s go back to your still life first drawing- are you drawing from observation? Or are you drawing from photo? Anyone will tell you it’s best to learn straight from observation as it’s 3D and a photo has already made a 3D object into a 2D one. However, it’s still possible, though not ideal. Let’s start with your values. Have you done a value scale? Have you done it a few times over to really get familiar with it? Let’s start there. Once you have that down I want you to keep in mind that everything forms a shape- including those values! Look at those shades and shadows real close when you go ti draw—and you’ll see shapes of different shades made and often they mimic that value scale!… unless you have a very strong overhead light source. Your whole still life is made of these shapes from shadows, start training your eye to look for them and contour them out! This will eventually translate over to your herons with you get really handy with it. I hope this helps, I know it’s a lot- I’m new here too but welcome in with the rest of us!
Jo Lefeaux
Definitely felt a lot more confident after getting some feedback and watching the demo. Still plenty to work on, but I think I felt okay with the basic idea in these. :)
Riin Kuro
Much improvement 👏
Jo Lefeaux
I haven't been drawing for a fair while, and I felt like I had a lot of trouble with this. I've included my three recent attempts. By the third attempt I felt like I was starting to get a bit of actual structure in the fruit, instead of just lines, but the structure still didn't match the fruit very well. I also had trouble getting 5 distinct shades on the page. Last picture was a more 'normal' drawing attempt for a comparison (spent a similar amount of time but didn't try to simplify). I feel like when trying to simplify the structure, I was struggling more to get features in the right place. I'm still very novice, so if anyone has any pointers for what I can work on, I'd appreciate it. :) Gonna try to stick with the course this time, and see if I can progress a bit!
Riin Kuro
Heyo! I’m Riin and I’m BRAND NEW here please take this critique with a grain of salt as I haven’t gotten to dive into the new learning of still life using planes as you have begun to learn! From what I can tell you’re already off to an incredible start! You’ve successfully identified your lightest and darkest shade regions. Your contour lines also progressively begun to match the 3D shape of the fruit. Your external linework however is where I’m seeing you struggle most. Slow down on your outer line of the fruit, as it seems you’re shorting yourself on the overall lengths and curvature of the outer line of the fruit. Stick to keeping it simple! But start trying to train your eye to recognize the proportions created by your outside planed lines. I hope this helps! Again I’m new here, let me know if I can help or if I need to better explain! edit: it also helps to have a more direct light if possible to give you stronger defined values and shapes created from those values !
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