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Eduardo Rubio
added comment inProject - Line Master Studies
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I enjoyed doing this exercise, I didn't think I would learn so much doing it. I think I will adopt it as a habit. I did studies of Dave Malan and Ignacio Zuloaga Z.
Sonu Singh
wowowowowow great lines!
Emma X
Asked for help
Did a study of Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson, I accidentally ran out of room at the top > . <"
I'm surprised I like it as much as I do, but any feedback anyone has would be super welcome!
Sonu Singh
Asked for help
I was so intimidated by this that I drew mine so small without even thinking about it, making it harder to get in the lines and details with the lines I observed. I will try this again with another one of his sketch drawings tomorrow. original art work by Kim Jung Gi from his 2011 sketchbook page 35. Rest in peace Kim,
I really like the notes you took on the original piece, it showed you were really studying how he used line weight. As you said, i think it would be good to draw it even bigger so you could play with the line weight some more to try and replicate what he did. Great start though with the crisp line on the nose, and heavier line weight on the lower spots of hair.
Sonu Singh
Asked for help
Perhaps I should have been a bit more liberal with the weight of my lines lol
Emmi McKee
Asked for help
I had a lot of fun with this assignment and I'm really proud with how these turned out!
All feedback is appreciated :D
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My attempt! So many little details in the VR girl character. The hand of course is always tough. Blocked it out but still had a lot of adjustments on the fingers to make. Its easy to get caught up in trying to match the placement and details, so I had to try to remember the point of the assignment which is my lines lol.
Asked for help
Here is my attempt for this project. It's about cats! But somehow don't know why it ends up like this, not cute at all...
Sonu Singh
Asked for help
Hello beautiful people! Please critique my work so I can note where I could improve :)
Being honest, I think they look great!!! Taking what I have ;earned so far from the course: I would recommend using your whole arm and shoulder. Especially when drawing larger shapes. It helps keep the gesture tight and less choppy. Last suggestion would be to create smaller shapes and connect them together. For example with the arm image I saw and oval for the bulk of the forearm and then a smaller cylinder for the lower forearm. Each knuckle could be three similar size ovals. I hope this helps and great work again!!!!!!
Good work overall. I think you might still be a bit too focused on contours, but if you keep practicing breaking things down into their large underlying shapes I think you're well on your way