Figure drawing - critique requested
Richard Barkman
Hi all, I’m burnt out on this drawing, but not completely happy with it. I need a fresh set of eyes to help. Any critique’s welcome. @Steve Lenze Steve, your comments have always been great in the past, I’m hoping you have a second to take a look. Thanks in advance!
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Steve Lenze
I really dig this drawing, and I think the rendering looks cool. What I see is that it needs a little structure in the head and torso. The hands are a little small and the right forearm feels too small. I did a quick sketch to show you what I see, I hope it helps :)
Richard Barkman
Excellent! Thanks, I appreciate you taking the time! I'll see what I can do.
Toma Zhikov
IMO you have a case of "rendering over proportion" here, where it seems you took your time rendering but it feels the proportions of the hands were a bit awkward in the first place. Maybe overlapping his right hand, our left with his body can get rid of awkwardness and bring in some depth, also I feel the pose could be better if we don't see the other hand, if it was covered by his body. Some places fill over-detailed like his abdomen area so a a tad bit softening can help. I think soft edges can also help the drawing, photographs tend to have a lot of hard edges but in drawing and painting softening some of those hard edges and leaving a few hard can make it more real and believable.
Richard Barkman
Hi, Toma, thanks for looking, I'll think about your comments.
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