Alexandra Mayorova
Alexandra Mayorova
Activity Feed
Alexandra Mayorova
Melanie Scearce
Marian Rowling
WEEK 3 12 x 5min Hands & Feet Gosh found this made my brain have to think very hard and easily confused it! The feet seemed even harder than the hands nut both so challenging. Great fun trying though and have enjoyed the whole challenge and seeing everyones work. Thanks to Proko team and Steven Michael Hampton for this and the free live session.
Alexandra Mayorova
what sketchbook do you use?
Alexandra Mayorova
Marian Rowling
really good
Alexandra Mayorova
Alexandra Mayorova
Alexandra Mayorova
Alexandra Mayorova
I love these! Which brush are you using?
Alexandra Mayorova
It's sooo powerful!!!! Stan, I've only heard about this method from the Chinese artist Teng Teng, but here it's more simplified for people. Thanks!!! My life is getting better. And I feel the psychological help from the course. People face the same problems and thoughts that I once did. It helps me to look back and realize that my suffering was not accidental. Drawing is difficult, and everyone will go through the same thing. Self-compassion and play are the keys to success. Play more, friends. Don’t get it seriously.
Gannon Beck
It looks like you definitely have a great feel for form. It's such a great tool to have in your tool belt. Looking forward to seeing your progress!
Alexandra Mayorova
Gannon Beck
Good work!
Alexandra Mayorova
I'm not new to drawing, I even work. But the perspective is very difficult for me. It took me years to realize that 1,2 points are conditional, and 99% of the time we see the world in 3 points.  It took me a few more years to realize that this should be at the subconscious level. I have to draw millions of boxes so I don't have to think. And here I am again. It will never be enough. And I have to find the strength not to reflect.
Stan Prokopenko
Ya perspective is hard. I'll try to explain things as best as I can and give you projects that will force you to work through the problems. It won't be easy. You'll run into challenges and you'll make mistakes. But remember, they're just drawings that you can throw away and try again.
Jarrett van den Bergh
You can do it! Sometimes it only takes a small revelation to make all the practice finally click. You may have already done this, but for anyone who hasn't heard of it, I found the 250 box challenge on drawabox to be enlightening for my perspective skills!
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