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Alexandra Mayorova
added comment inOne-Point Perspective
I'm not new to drawing, I even work. But the perspective is very difficult for me. It took me years to realize that 1,2 points are conditional, and 99% of the time we see the world in 3 points.
It took me a few more years to realize that this should be at the subconscious level. I have to draw millions of boxes so I don't have to think. And here I am again. It will never be enough. And I have to find the strength not to reflect.

Jarrett van den Bergh
You can do it! Sometimes it only takes a small revelation to make all the practice finally click. You may have already done this, but for anyone who hasn't heard of it, I found the 250 box challenge on drawabox to be enlightening for my perspective skills!
This might be too advanced and this is just a basic excersice for 1 point perspective. But I have some questions. Using 1 point perspective for an object that shows more than 2 planes (front and above or from below) is just something theorietical? Because When you see something from slightest angel it will be a second varnishing point? In the renaissance they used 1 point perspective even When they showed more sides because they hadnt learned other kinds of perspective yet. (Did you teach me that? :D ) In one of your courses I don’t remember wich you said if you see the frontplane undistorted with 90 degrees angles a perfect square you can’t see the side plane. Its an impossible box. So the boxes towards the sides in this practice are impossible boxes? Just theoretical?
I'm a student also, but I think you are right. In reality, every box will have multiple vanishing points, because they each have 3 sets of parallel lines.
Even if there existed lines that were perfectly horizontal or vertical (like in 1-point perspective), they would begin to look curved if they stretched into infinity. This is because our eyes are curved and so produce a slight fisheye (or curvilinear) effect.
However in practice, often the tilt is so negligible that it is looks pretty much like 1 point perspective. So it becomes useful to draw things this way.