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Jiljean Yow
added comment inProject - Facial Features
Asked for help
I’m still working through the rest, but I’m wondering why does this one’s jaw look just a bit too big? Or are there other problems making it look weird?
Paul Williams
Hey, looks like you're having the same problem I sometimes have! I think the issue is that the facial features are too narrow in proportion to the rest of the head.
Basically, it looks like the centre line for her features is too far to the left. If you look at the sphere of her skull, I think the central line should be about one-third of the way across (about level with where you have the corner of her left eye), where as you've drawn it much earlier than that.
One way to check that you've aligned stuff correctly is to compare it with the reference, if you look at her picture and mentally draw a line down from her left eye then you see it sits within her neck and the edge of her nose is about level with it, but on your drawing both are quite far from being aligned with her neck.
So yeah, I think a misaligned centre line has caused the issue here. The jaw itself looks about right, though her ear is a bit too short (the top of the ear should be around the mid-point of that side plane).
Paul Williams
Some of today’s pieces. Since my last update I would say I have identified why some faces were coming out too long and fixed that, now I think I need to work a bit on the profile views otherwise I’m happy with my progress.
Any comments or tips are more than welcome, thanks.
My temporal plane, the elliptical or circular shape I get from hair line tempel and nose line is always out of wack. Not a neat circle or ellipsis
any advice would be great
It looks like your proportions between the brow and chin (eg for the nose, mouth etc) are actually OK, it's just that all of those together are not proportioned correctly in relation to the skull sphere. On this drawing the chin line just needs to be a lot lower... from estimating, I'd say maybe about level with the lowest line we can see of the sphere (the very bottom curve that connects with the neck line). I think, if you lined the chin up to that and kept the brow where it is then the proportion of the rest of the features (when redrawn) would be about right.
Paul Williams
Some practise from today. Proportions have massively improved from before I watched the course, though occasionally I still get a face slightly too long (which is actually the opposite problem than I had before!)
Narayani S
Asked for help
can you guys please help me!. How to improve from this?I am interested in all medium and its hard for me to choose one but i really like to go for anime art style but I don't know what to i have to know how to draw skull without reference . here i am having hard time for positioning guideline circle
Good for you for putting your stuff out there I know that takes courage. In my opinion and hopefully this is helpful to you. Something that stood out to me in the last drawing is that it looks like you are adjusting image elements to make them more semetrical from what they actually are. I think as humans we tend to prefer semetry but it if you look closer at the photo you can see that there's actually alot of asemetry. For example. You have centered the pupils of the eyes, but in the photo they are only half circles and much more cut off at the top, this seems to make a much stronger expression. Also, the lips in your drawing are much more mirrored in the actual photo. Asymetry can give an image much more movement where as symetry tends to make it more static. I know it can seem counterintuitive but I'd encourage you to give it a try.
Paul Williams
Asked for help
Some more gesture drawings.
Slight concerns I'm drifting too far into stylisation rather than motion, on occasion, but I think they're ok?
Paul Williams
Asked for help
Hey all. I started the course yesterday and thought I'd share my first 4 attempts at gesture drawing (something I'd never been great at) because I think you can see the influence of the lessons as I progress.
The first one was completed (as suggested) before watching the instruction video, the three that follow are after watching this video.
These are a selection of my favourite drawings from each session, there were about 40-50 each in total. I included the same one twice by accident on the fourth so ignore that!