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Pedro Alvarado
added comment inProcess for Successful Drawings – Caricature Essentials
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Mason Verger from the movie Hannibal. I'm wondering if i should have tried to make it funny, dynamic... i was focusing too much on scary...
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Another iteration of the caterpillar idea....
That is a creepy looking little worm in the reference. Combining all of the unique qualities of your references like this was genius!!! The facial expression on the character is priceless!
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Another submission using a bug.
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I have always struggled from drawing from imagination and relied on observation since that felt more comfortable. I had to embrace the discomfort on this and push through so that I can improve. Im not happy with these but have to keep pushing forward.
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a Costa Rican Staple!
I love the exaggeration you've chosen. With sloths sometimes it's more of the body shape people exaggerate, but with the head the way you've done it, I get a stewie like vibe. A young sloth born into a slow family but he wants to be a gangster and doesn't feel like he fits in with the slow vibe of his family. Nicely done!
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Penguin and Hand
Pedro Alvarado
Asked for help
Great job, Pedro! This drawing has appeal can keeps the character of the boots. Good job in choosing to simply have the laces wrap over the boot and not trying to keep all of the twists. I feel some of the leather behind the laces seem a bit disjointed in the middle but is hidden due to the complexity of the area. I feel the end of the laces feel a bit un-natural and stiff. The top lace especially might of benefited from having a good bit more curve applied. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to seeing more!