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The guy from BluishDot
added comment inProject - Learning to Sketch from Imagination
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Hi everyone!
I wanted to quickly share another try I had with the sketching from imagination project.
For this one, I decided to take a look at sharks.
After analyzing some reference images and exploring some ideas in the first two pages I thought I had my final design for the project on page 3, drawing 1. I wasn’t particularly excited about the result but I also didn't have any more ideas on how to keep going.
Still, I tried to continue exploring a bit (even though it felt pointless at first). I made some slight changes here and there and after a while, those changes started to stack up. Slowly, I ended up moving away from the original cutesy look to an unexpectedly spooky one. The final design is nothing crazy but I still think it's a lot more interesting than the first one.
So, overall, this ended up being quite an insightful project for me. It really got me to better understand the concept of “exploring” for a design. Thanks for the great lessons!
Also, if anyone else had other insights on their projects, please share! I'm curious to know more.

Audrey S
This is awesome! love your reference stuff and how you've played with the different imagination poses!
Lynn Fang
Asked for help
Since I drew some super messy ellipses when doing a line quality exercise, I changed the topic of ellipse warmup from mushrooms to the...machine? (I can't tell that.) After continuous practice, I got better this kind of ellipses. Okay, I'm in a better mood.
nice job tracking your improvement! It can be really hard to see progress day to day but you look back and things are getting better
Andrea Böhm
Asked for help
My level1 assignments: 1. Hierarchy of Importance; 2. Light & Shadow. Both tracings took a while - more than one hour each (didn't stop the exact time).
Both of these look really awesome. I love your light and shadow one. You have a good amount of 3 weights of lines that give a good gradation. I struggled a lot with that and I see a lot of people with essentially 2 weights of lines.
For hierarchy of importance, I think you could maybe try to be more selective about what details you bring forward. You did a great job of that on the eye, yet on the toes, every detail on the toes feels like they pop out.
Nice work!
the on one on the right, which I'm assuming is hierarchy of importance, is really nicely done. You've a good balance of strong, medium and light lines that makes areas pop out without popping out tooo much.
On the other hand, I think you're missing a middle line weight in the light/shadow technique that balances out the contrast. Even in the shadows there are some more dark areas, and there are some variations in the lights too. I struggled with this a lot personally.
Léo Thiolliere
Asked for help
Here’s my try for this one (first focusing on light, second on contour)
I think you've done a really nice job on the light/shadow one. I think one thing that I struggled with and notice a bit here in the light/shadow is a lack of a clear mid tone. Even within the shadows there is a quite a bit of variation that you might be able to take advantage of. For example the fold in the shoulder and the left ear are quite dark in the photo.
For the contour one, I think the lack of a mid tone applies as well. You have a really strong contour and then what seems to be a lighter accent. Is there any way to blend your lines into each other with a middle type of line weight?
Audrey S
Asked for help
Level 1 Assignments
1. Light and Shadow
Hierarchy of importance - I wanted to try this two ways to try to communicate different things:
2. Rhinos have excellent hearing, a really strong sense of smell, and can run up to 50 mph despite their size. I wanted to imagine how a predator might assess a rhino (though they have no natural predators) by highlighting their strengths and downplaying their weaknesses
3. I wanted to try to emphasize sheer size and form here by trying to focus weight on the major plane indicators, as if a child were seeing a rhino for the first time
Marco S
Asked for help
You have some really good consistent shading for both of these.
For the portrait, I'd say to focus on your value selection. If you squint at the reference, you see very clearly a division of light and shadow on the face while your rendition has more even lighting on the face. How can you bring that contrast while still using only the 5 values?
Very nice job on the forms and the shading!
Tony Zhang
Asked for help
Updated my Murray portrait. Also redid my “sketch from imagination” with line weight.:) Hello, Coach Tiger!
For the portrait, what technique are you using? I find the eye drawn down towards the hard shadow around the neck as opposed to the face. When you're drawing the portrait, what are you looking to emphasize?
Your coach tiger is quite cute!
Asked for help
Here are my 2 attempts. As the assignment was to trace a photo, I tried using a screenless drawing tablet instead of a pencil - it made it harder for me to keep the lines from getting wobbly.
The hierarchy of importance was my 1st try. I tried to break the lines into 3 groups - outer contour; lines of body parts; details and skinfolds. I think I made the widths to similar and didn't vary width od individual lines - will have to redo it later.
Shadows and light was my 2nd try. I am in general mory happy with it - I increased the variation of line thickness and tried to temper the lines more. In some places I think I went overboard and extended the contours to include some of the shadow shapes.
Nice job for the tracing.
When you redo the hierarchy of importance, try to think about what you're looking to emphasize. When I see your first one on the left, the thing that really pops out to me is the horn. What are you trying to capture from the rhino?
Asked for help
I am a level 1 but I decided to try and draw the rhino myself. Proportions are off and I made the mistake of putting in my original lines too dark. You can definitely tell where I tried to erase sketch lines which makes the drawing look a little sloppy. But overall I can tell that I'm improving which is really exciting!!!
You've done a really clear job of placing the importance on the front of the rhino. Within that area of importance, I'd love to see more contrast between the leg and the head. Which one are you looking to emphasize? I find my eye going between the face and the leg.
As mentioned below, nice job trying to draw the rhino on your own!