Donna Carman
Virginia, USA
Self taught art student trying to improve on my art.
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added comment in2 Week Drawing Challenge
Day 1, hopefully I'll have the same amount of time for the remaining of the challenge :))

Donna Carman
What drawing materials did you work with here? Colored pencils? Charcoal? Etc? Love the look!
Aljoscha Adam
Day 2: I did not pay much attention to values. I just wanted the proportions to be somewhat correct. I added some highlights with a white pencil. It works quite well on this grey paper.
Jesse Green
The photo is from my point of view while drawing. I was not sure how to suggest detail for all of the stems and "bulbs" if that's what they are called. I wanted to just draw so many of them and figure out a way to represent the rest, but I clearly failed. If anyone has any ideas that'd be helpful
Patrick Alexander Büchi
For the first day I decided to draw my younger brother's elephant plant pot. It was really fun :) Great job everybody, keep up the effort!
Donna Carman
Wow. Never would I have ever imagined I would have such an issue drawing a mushroom head. My lines seem such a mess. Perhaps I just need to practice practice practice but any other suggestions when they seem to just be all over the place?
Donna Carman
Hi everyone, I went to purchase the figure drawing fundamentals course, but I notice by purchasing four at once that there is a discount offered.
I found info that this was the first class recommended, but I am not sure what to select for the next three classes.
I am assuming anatomy for the next course?
However, that still leaves me not knowing which course should be three and four. Not to mention, I am not positive anatomy should come next as number two either.
Does anyone have this information? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.