Nuria Lluch
Nuria Lluch
Activity Feed
Nuria Lluch
Hi! Here are my 28 poses.
Nuria Lluch
Hi! Here´s my level 2 submission.
Nuria Lluch
Hi! I really struggled doing this one, but it was fun though :-) I never dare to draw from imagination, so I'm happy that someone push me to do so. I'm not very happy with the results, but it probably would get better with practice!
Michael Bristow
you should be happy with them there really good i drew a cat and wouldnt dare put it on here lol
Samantha Maggard
The last drawing you really captured a cat with an attitude. Nice drawing!
Nuria Lluch
Hi everyone! The little finger is to small, but erasing would make the lines look more messy :-)
This is sick, I love the penguin
Nuria Lluch
Thanks! Watching this demo, I see that we were "allowed" to do some preliminary lines to places things right. But I don't know why, I thought we can not, and it made everything more difficult that it was :-)
Nuria Lluch
Hi! I did the camel, the captain and the snail. My lines are so messy I think, even though I did my best...but well, that's one of the reasons I wanted to do this course.
Nuria Lluch
I just saw that the photo of the snail drawing is incomplete. I cut a part of the drawing by accident.
Nuria Lluch
Hi everyone! After the pears, I've tried the portrait.
Nuria Lluch
Hi! I've drawn several pears, but I'm only posting two of them. One before watching the demo and one after that.
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