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Along with this assignment, I followed Naranbaatar Ganbold's Painting Facial Features tutorial. I highly recommend it. I memorized the forms of the nose, mouth, and eye in-depth thanks to his teaching. I also feel confident enough with the fundamentals to look for a style. The colored paintings are my attempt at finding something I like. Critiques appreciated.
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I feel I really leveled up this time around by taking my time, really processing all the information, and deciding each stroke. Spent 11.5 hours. My favorite is #63
Samuel Sanjaya
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Hair studies. My kneaded eraser doesn't seems to work the way I want, so the detailing part get somewhat botched up. I wonder how proko can get that sharp, clean result when erasing, without mushing up the charcoal. Any feedbacks / critiques will be greatly appreciated
Yea I have the same issues with my kneaded eraser. Here are some factors: 1. The paper matters. Kneaded erasers have some trouble being crisp on cheap sketch paper. 2. Too dirty. Over time the eraser builds up charcoal and you get mushy marks leftover when trying to erase 3. Oil build up. Our skin produces natural oils that mess with graphite and charcoal. The more you touch your kneaded eraser the more oils you'll get into it which also affect erasing.
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2nd time doing the course. Spent a LOT of time studying the planes of the skull more in-depth. Here are the resources I used: Proko Skull: Skull Planar:
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Coming back 10 months later to take the course again. Both took 20-25 minutes.
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Sorry about the image quality, I'm not sure why it came out so bad. By far my favorite assignment. I started on the background first for all of them to make sure my values wouldn't be messed up in later stages. I used the 'Multiply' layer for my values and 'Overlay' for colors. Sometimes I would add an 'Add (Glow)' layer for special occasions like #12. Then I would touch it up with a normal layer by adding gradients and strong rim lights when needed to really get the form to read. I struggle the most with ambient light. I had similar issues with ambient light when painting real faces in lesson 11 so any advice with how to tackle that would be really appreciated. Critiques always welcome
Pretty interesting lesson. This lesson was an introduction to shape design for me so I don't have any great advice other than use Kaloo's template (you can find it in the downloads). I would not have done nearly as much work without the template.
Omar Khan
I'm very very new to art and its concepts! So forgive me if my questions seem very basic What exactly was the "bounce lighting" about ? Why would there be a highlight where the shadow should be? Thanks! -
Asking questions is a great habit to have so don't worry about it :) Proko has a video on lighting and shading: (Skip to 2:15 to learn about bounce light) After you watch that video, try bouncing light onto your own hand by putting a white sheet of paper in front of it while facing away from a light source. See how it functions in real life. (Check out the pictures below of my hand to see what I mean). Lack of bounce light is also why you cannot see the shadow side of the moon past the terminator (The line that begins the shadow side. Think of it as a border between light and dark). There is nothing around the moon for light to bounce off of, so it appears pitch black like space.
Very fun assignment. Instead of using just the Alla Prima Technique I decided to explore different ways of rendering and styles. I especially like what @9brookskim (on Instagram) does for their process and tried it myself in the last portrait.
Feedback is appreciated =) I really enjoyed this assignment. I learned a lot through each portrait and experimented with a lot of different methods. I could definitely see myself studying a face from EarthWorld's website for a character. Everybody is incredibly interesting in their own way and the expressions are awesome. I eyeballed all the proportions except for the bottom left lady on the last sheet. I find my worst mistake when doing this is flattening the back of the head by bringing it closer to the face. I'm a little surprised looking back at all of them now and seeing how drastic it is.
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