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Omar Khan
added comment inThe Sphere
I'm very very new to art and its concepts! So forgive me if my questions seem very
What exactly was the "bounce lighting" about ? Why would there be a highlight where the shadow should be?
Thanks! -
It’s because light hits the ground and then bounces and hits the ball on the planes closet to that ground
Asking questions is a great habit to have so don't worry about it :)
Proko has a video on lighting and shading: (Skip to 2:15 to learn about bounce light)
After you watch that video, try bouncing light onto your own hand by putting a white sheet of paper in front of it while facing away from a light source. See how it functions in real life. (Check out the pictures below of my hand to see what I mean).
Lack of bounce light is also why you cannot see the shadow side of the moon past the terminator (The line that begins the shadow side. Think of it as a border between light and dark). There is nothing around the moon for light to bounce off of, so it appears pitch black like space.

light reflects (or "bounces") off of surfaces, especially if they are shiny/reflective. but even dull looking surfaces do reflect some light. depending on the other things in the scene, such as walls, the ground, etc and what materials those other things are made out of, they may bounce light back up from behind