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added comment inFinishing a Complex Painting
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I gave it my best effort to really keep checking the drawing while painting and I think it kind of worked, I cant spot anything major right now.
I think the hair is somewhat poorly painted, i struggled going back and forth between too much blending and not enough. If someone has a tip let me know :D
You’ve done very well here. What you’ve described is always going to be a struggle because I know I still struggle with it. Knowing just how much brushwork to keep to give a pain in life is something you just have to learn through experience. But I can tell you that there’s more leeway within the light areas that are not touching the shadow or looser brushwork. That’s why I go thicker in those light areas and allow my brushwork to show. You’ve done a good job with your edges and you would never want random rush work to disturb them.
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After the last feedback I changed my setup slightly, to have my reference closer to my canvas and have a bit more space behind me so i can step back and don't have to turn my head to look at the reference.
I think it already helped with this drawing, I cant spot anything that stands out at the moment.
Considering how long the drawing took, I am slightly worried about painting this. Would it be a good idea to skip ahead to the drawing section and finish the course before coming back to this?
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I definitely went through some struggles with this one. The eye on the shadow side bothers me a lot but i can't seem to fix it. I think the corner of the mouth needs to be move up a bit as well. I will try attempt to fix them when its dry. Anything else that needs to be improved or fixed ?
You’ve done a good job and I think it’s great that you’re trying to be critical of the drawing. What you need is a better technique for finding your mistakes. Take the photo and put it right next to the painting and practice rapid eye movement back-and-forth. Do it with each area like the eyes and then do it with the nose and go back-and-forth and really try to notice the differences. In doing this, you will create a more critical eye.
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Gave it my best to not think about what im drawing.
Looks okay right now, I'll look it over with fresh eyes tomorrow before spraying it.
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I did this after finishing the first "bigger" painting, using the left over pre mixes. I painted this from a black and white photo to keep myself from doing anything i shouldn't be doing, so the warms and cools are probably off.
I think the the side his nose and the mouth (upper lip?) look a bit funky.
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Unfortunately, I couldn't get a better picture of my painting, a lot of the color changes in the lights got lost. I did tickle the painting to death a little bit in certain areas (especially the cheeks) and there are some issues but I started getting to a point where trying to fix things messed it up more than it would help so I called it.
Any feedback is appreciated.
Great course so far. Now that i am familiar with the method, I could probably get a much better result once I come back and redo this painting.
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I combined the halftone and lightest light stage with the edges because i was worried about the paint drying before i could get to the edges. I struggled a lot during my first attempt (small picture left). I repainted most of it today, with my new sable brushes that finally arrived today ... i did not expect the much softer brush to make this big of a difference, for how we apply paint in this course.
It's not as "painterly" as I'd like it to be, but good enough to move forward?
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Overall, I think its okay. Im not sure about the shadow shape of his cheek down to his chin. Should i make it less simple or is it good enough to move forward?
Good exercise to get familiar with the palette. I think everything might be a tad too cool on mine and the split between shadow and light slightly too big, or is it good enough to start the painting?
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I did a "quick" head for both grey-scale charts. I wonder if my shadow and light family could/should be closer in value to each other, especially on the female head? In hindsight the darkest dark of the female head chart also feels like it might have been too dark in value.