Katerina Waddoups
Hello! I am a digital art student based in Alaska.
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Katerina Waddoups
added comment inCritique - Simplify to CSI
Lvl 2 after watching demo and critique for lvl 1. I rushed those boots, I definitely want to try it again! Those boots are not level 1 proko, they nearly killed me
Katerina Waddoups
Asked for help
got the paper stained with a pear on the next page, but I'm feeling happy with these. I always hated doing ellipse exercises but I actually find this one so much fun!
Katerina Waddoups
Asked for help
It took 5 pears and one portrait attempt before I got one I liked... I included the first portrait attempt because the difference is so massive! I'm learning to use that analytical and observant mind instead of monkey draw and the effort put into making those clear observations really pays off. I feel good about the actual markings of where light and dark will be as well as proportion, but as soon as I actually add in the values it always looks horrible (hence not doing so in the second attempt.) Any tips with that? not sure where I'm going so wrong.
I would say it doesn't look horrible. I think you did a good job at showing the different values on the pear. When it comes to the portrait, it's more complicated and will get better with time so I wouldn't be hard on yourself. I recommend moving on, trying different exercises that will help keep building your knowledge and experience, this will make you improve faster. Another words don't let yourself get hung up on one exercise, keep moving your eye will improve.
Nice work! The portrait and pear lay-ins look great! You really paid attention to the measurement stages. A couple of things may help with the value stages- first practice shading smooth, even patches of value. Your value scale chips on the pear study are a little uneven and that has carried over into the shading of the pear. The uneven tone will mess with your perception of the shapes you've beautifully captured. I find its best to start with light pressure on the side of your pencil and build up each value slowly, layer by layer so they appear even. As with anything- it's going to take a lot of practice and trial and error to get a handle on values. Instead of applying your values directly to your beautiful lay-in, you could do some thumbnail-sized value studies of the head (a little smaller than the two pear lay-ins) where you try out your value range on a small scale and then apply it to the final piece. You could also use tracing paper or a lightbox to transfer this stage of the drawing to another sheet to experiment with before going into the final piece. I hope this helps, keep up the good work!
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Some older gesture studies. Super excited to begin this course as an "experienced" beginner. It's a long journey and it gets very frustrating but I hope to someday draw and paint like my idols. Love you Proko! your content is amazing :)