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added comment inProko Challenge Landscape Thumbnails - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
Hi all! Hope you enjoy these studies in gouache - they are of some photos I took when I was lucky enough to visit the Falkland Islands. A beautiful place with variable weather - the locals say that there can be "4 seasons in a day!".
My lay-in and shadow map of Morgan.
My main goal was to get proportions correct and create the illusion of form turning.
I don't plan to render here, instead moving on to do more lay-ins.
Any advice or critique is welcome.
Hi all, this is my drawing of Nicolai. I used 2b pencil and black polychromos.
I don't think I wrapped the mouth around the tooth cylinder enough, and the eyes may by a touch too small/far apart. The head is elongated too, maybe I'm defaulting to the "standard" loomis proportions?
I think I did reasonably well grouping the shadow family on the side of his face, but the shape of the shadow in the nose-eye area could perhaps read better?
Can anyone else provide some feedback or critique please?
Thanks Irshad for showing me (and probably many like me) that there is a structure and format to progress as a beginner. DAB was a light during grim darkness of the pandemic, converging parallel lines into space was my therapy - thanks a million :)
What medium will you use tonight?
Is there like "base level, total beginner, might just hurt himself with the pencil" lessons/techniques to start off with? I can barely draw stick figures, and I'd like to get better, but there are SO many places to start (or so it seems...)
These 2 links to other force videos are not working.
It would be nice to have a forwards/backwards button to jump between part one, two and three. That would improve navigation.
Asked for help
Hi all, I have recently been doing the NMA love drawing series on YouTube. They start with about x5 1 minute, x5 2 minute and then x2 or x3 5 minute poses usually ending on a 10 minute pose.
I have been trying to keep the 1 minute gesture marks in every pose, using the extra time that is given in longer drawings to them adding form (around the 2 minute mark) and then able to look at the core shadow in the 5 minute drawings. 10 minutes allows me to try and show some of my limited anatomy knowledge with indications of landmarks!
Are there any themes that you can see that need attention as I continue with this format of drawing in my lunch breaks?
Thanks so much in advance for looking at my drawings!
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I had a steep learning experience with charcoal on bristol board - doesn't work, the charcoal just falls off!
I stretched bristol board and toned it with water soluble graphite stick. The resulting study is a bit grey overall. I should have spent more time lifting light tones?
His left thigh looks flat, head big, traps maybe too exaggerated?
Watching the graphite dance through the water was amazing though!!
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I did these in the way that Stan suggested, have a go, watch how he did it, then analyze the drawings . A day or so later I would try again without looking at my past drawing, and covering up the side of the video with Stan drawing. I think there was improvement overall, especially as I was trying to doodle "mannequin parts" in my lunch break, pipes and joints to try and think about perspective etc.
Any feedback to progress my drawing would be appreciated!