Critique/advice please

David F
Hi All, these are some drawings for the external obliques assignment part 2.
They are meant to be gesture drawing but they somehow don't feel the same as Stan's. I have not enrolled in the figure drawing course so I'm thinking that I would benefit doing that before I continue with the anatomy. Any advice/critique would be hugely appreciated.
Asked for help
Hello, I would like to know if my anatomy in synthetic form is good. I am trying to draw a good representation without too much detail. Thanks in advance ✌️
( i'm frensh, my engish isn't very good )
Les dessins sont cool, sur le deuxième, ton sacrum semble plat, c'est difficile en perspective mais il est diagonal de l'interieur à l'exterieur. Il passe sous le Posterior superior illiac spine (PSIS). Sous cette forme actuelle les fesses seraient plates . Sur le 4eme dessin ca semble correct. Courage
I will suggest you to improve your line quality and rhythm. So a fluid line soul does not appear. This video by Mike Mattesi will help you understand what I mean. Good luck David.
Hi David!
Yes I recommend reviewing drawing and figurative basics before jumping into anatomy.
learn gesture to add rhythm, force, fluidity and remove the scratch-iness, hesitation, and stiffness of your lines. Drawing with "C" and "S" curves and using your shoulder and not your wrist to draw has helped me.
Dont worry about light/shading until you've learned basic line quality, perspective and form (making 2d look 3d). Don't be cookin on all 4 burners at once just yet.
You seem to be focused on the superficial symbolic shapes of the muscles and their minute details. Draw the larger picture and the whole body's gesture and figure before doing the details.
We all want to draw super-hero bodies, but we need the patience and humility to draw the sometimes-boring fundamentals; I am guilty of this too, but godspeed!
Hi Dondi,
Thanks heaps for your advice! I will register for the figure drawing course and try to get a better grip of the fundamentals.
Thanks again!