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added comment inDemo - Simplify Camel and Skull to CSI
These are my current boot attempts
Eduardo Borges
I tried to draw faster to give my curves a more dynamic shape. Also first time using a red graphite on my mechanical pencil, which was not so easy to erase when I made mistakes. In general I think the result was OK. Now I'm going to watch the demo to catch my mistakes.
Spent a lot of time on this project, was challenging for me. Partly it took a long time because i was scared to start drawing shoelaces... I redrew boots couple of times because was not proud of my line art but at the end my hand got used to putting the lines down and honestly i like the result even though i think i didn't do so great with shoelaces. Would really appreciate some criticism!
Asked for help
I think these got sketchier as I went along. Astro girl was my last. Lots of ghost lines I can hardly see anymore.