Mara De Saulles
Mara De Saulles
Cardiff based artist. My art interests are storyboarding, comics and character designs.
Activity Feed
Mara De Saulles
Did these earlier this month - first was from reference and second was done from memory/imagination.
Melanie Scearce
That's a great idea -- to combine your practice of drawing from reference and from imagination. I think they are both like muscles that need to be exercised. I love these, keep it up!
Mara De Saulles
Did these in october. At the time I thought I was pretty accurate but then I decided to actually compare it today and yikes! I was way off! Definitely need to start doing this form of comparison more!
Mara De Saulles
Summer of 2023 was pretty busy for me so I ended up falling off keeping off with the course. Then I got back on the wagon in August... only to fall off again due to a busy time in around october-december. But I'm trying to catch up on both the parts of the course I've missed and on uploading my work. So, I did these back in August of 2023 but never got around to uploading them. Not exactly the most helpful considering I've probably improved within the time since, but I figured I'd still put them up for people to see.
Mara De Saulles
level one references
Mara De Saulles
Whew, had to take some time off the course to catch up with my university work (for those curious, 2D animation at University of South Wales), but I'm back! I did the rhinos a few months back, as well as the level 2 cityscape (which I was doing outside while waiting for my campus to open so I didn't end up finishing it, I also did it before watching the demo). But I JUST did the car tonight after watching the demo, and have included the quick little sketch I did beforehand to figure out how I wanted to do the line weight (ended up focusing on form and light together)! Don't have a picture of the cityscape, but I do have the car picture (saw it out while walking around a few weeks ago and thought it'd be fun to draw). Any feedback is always appreciated!
Julian Blake
I really like the second car. Very clean and clear. The landscape is a bit confusing.
Mara De Saulles
Here's my little cat! I think next time I attempt this exercise I'll definitely do a few more exploration/development sketches before going into the final. But overall I am pleased with how it came out!
Audrey S
These are adorable! Remember that this is a sketching exercise. Your lines feel a little too clean and wobbly. As you are doing your study, ask yourself what are the major shapes? what is the energy? You'll get drawings that are a little more messy but will capture the essence of the subject and then let you manipulate the essence to the pose you're looking for
Mara De Saulles
Been busy with uni recently, but managed to get these done inbetween working. While they're not bad, watching the demo definitely gave me some good advice on where I can improve!
Audrey S
You for sure have the sketchiness on the hand and the penguin! I think with the vr girl you're starting to get a little stiff and concerned with accuracy. She still has some long sweeping shapes that you can identify before getting into more accurate shapes.
Mara De Saulles
Gave both levels a try! I think right now my biggest weakness are line confidence and my ability to draw a straight line. I also didn't simply enough in a few areas. Definitely going to have to keep practicing those skills. Any other feedback would be appreciated!
Jacob Backes
Love the boots!
Brayden Luttrell
I was able worried I wasn't gonna be able to do this well but I think I did decent, but I felt like I was unsure of the values still.
Mara De Saulles
You've done a good job at shading the values to make them consistent throughout each shape! However, I do agree that there is an issue with the values - I think your values are a little too close to each other! Your dark midtone especially looks like a shadow to me, though that's my personal interpretation. I can see you've tried to make sure each shape is distinct, which is great! But be careful with those outlines - they end up affecting the values on either side of them, which might be contributing to the issues you're having with those. This is especially true with the highlights. As others have said, keep proportions in mind in the future. But for a first attempt at this project, you've done quite well! Make sure to watch the demo now to compare and contrast what you've done.
Mara De Saulles
Hello! Glad to be able to partake in this course! Did all three examples of Level 1, and Level 2, before the release of the demo. I'll be sure to give these another try with the help of the demo, but until then I am looking forward to seeing the critque videos!
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