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Full course
You will be given unexpiring access to watch the videos online .
In course description, video block says "Let's Get Started! Watch the First Lesson Now." With options: "Start Watching" and "Get Premium."
BUT if I click on "Start Watching," I get a screen that says "This lesson is Premium only. Join us in the full course." (And there are no non-premium lessons.)
IF the intention was to offer a little taste to induce one to buy, then something is not working as expected? (Thought you'd like to know.)
Hi, I want to know if this covers the very fundamentals of drawing, because I am totally new and have no prior knowledge of drawing, so I want to know before I purchase it is it accordance to my skill level, thank you.
When will the first lesson be put up? It was not clear that the course would not be available right away after purchase.
Designing Dragons