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added comment inHow to Simplify the Motion of the Torso – The Bean
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Some 30 second beans I did from Sekaa and Marcia poses. Really want to better understand this exercise, so any critiques or tips will be appreciated
Number code in corner is the model name (S = Sekaa, M = Marcia) and the corresponding pic number in the model pack
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First attempts at gesture in over a month, and first time uploading any. The Yoni and Sekaa poses were 30 seconds each, and the (5) Marcia poses were 1 minute each. Any critiques or tips would be very much appreciated.
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Tearing the bandaid off with an attempt at the third pear picture, H and B pencils. Other than switching to a 2B or 4B for the darker values, any advice or comments on the shading would be very helpful. Will make a second attempt after watching the demo.
Between this and Drawing Basics, which would one rather for beginning to learn to draw?
I would say Drawing Basics, as it goes a little more in-depth with each of the fundamentals it covers. That being said, this course would still be worth checking out after you get through that, especially if you're looking for how to apply some of what you learned to comics
Hey everyone. At the end of this video on premium Stan mentions that there is a bunch more examples in real time of gesture. Where can I access these unnarrated videos or is it just the ones that are on this video?
I think he's referring to the two "Quicksketch Assignment Examples" videos that follow this lecture. There's one with 2-minute poses and another with 30 second poses