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Introduction to Drawing

Course by Ryan Benjamin
15 Lessons
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4h 13m
1 / 5
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Ryan Benjamin
This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of drawing. I teach lessons on primitive shapes, rendering, building form, and inking. These are the tools I use every day as my work as a professional comic book artist.
This class was amazing! I needed a refresher since I haven't drawn much (not comic style / constructive drawing) in seven or eight years. There were a lot of things I had forgotten and several I hadn't learned before. I prefer the results of this method of construction to the one I was taught in school.
Between this and Drawing Basics, which would one rather for beginning to learn to draw?
I would say Drawing Basics, as it goes a little more in-depth with each of the fundamentals it covers. That being said, this course would still be worth checking out after you get through that, especially if you're looking for how to apply some of what you learned to comics
Matija Vuk
good stuff I've purchased the Marvel course so I was like "wtf, Ryan made 16 or so new notifications, what is this!?" :D figured its a new course to delve a bit deeper into the drawing basics which I've gone through on several courses already but It never hurts to learn more from different perspective, definitively getting this one asap :)
Ryan Benjamin
Thanks! Hope you like it!
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