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Toka Mathetsa
added comment inProject - Measure Proportions
Asked for help
I haven't finished a single project for this one. Not because I'm not drawing but simply because I can't even accurately lay in the big shapes. It goes like this, you sit still on your desk, turn on your laptop for references. You apply all the measuring techniques Stan taught you and the result just looks wrong in your eyes. Either that or you measure one side of your reference ,then go to the other side and the measurements contradict each other. If anyone has got any advice, please help, This is really starting to get to me, it's been 3 months now stuck with this project and I'm actually think of quitting and just skipping it.
I like your sketches! Try to be mindful when selecting reference images, the first image has pretty significant camera distortion. It is possible to use images like this but you will have to recognize the distortion and correct it as you work, which can add another layer of complexity while learning. The second two are great images to practice from!
I'm following the Drawing Basics course.
The sketching from observation project was an eye opener and I'm trying to not get into that perfectionist mindset while sketching.
I must admit it's hard, and sometimes I get frustrated but I'm determined to get good !
Can I have some critiques about these 3 sketches ? How are my lines and what could I improve on ?
I think I spend too less time looking at my reference. I don't quite understand it before sketching.
Thank you ! :)
When drawing from life or reference should we use this loose sketch technique ? Is this the baseline before adding details ? Does it apply to figures and portrait ? Thank you !
Hi Proko, thank you so much for the course. I have a question about studying, though.
Is it good practice to also copy and trying to understand some drawings from a book (I'm thinking about Loomis, Bridgmann or Hampton) ? Is it a recommended approach ?
Thank you!
Asked for help
When or where are we supposed to use the bean ? I don't see any examples of the bean being used in a figure drawing, so I'm wondering what its purpose is. Should I add a bean in my gestures?
Hi Marek,
Your artwork looks great ! You could try exaggerating the gesture for a better result. Even when drawing quick poses, I find that exaggerating the subject's pose gives a better outcome.
That helmet is so cool, by the way.
Asked for help
Hello artpunk !
I personally find the overhand grip easier on an easel or inclined drawing board, that's for sure. It's actually more ergonomic ! Wouldn't be on a flat surface.
As much as I don't know Stan's exact setup, you could browse around artshops or make a simple inclined drawing board at home with a few planks. (This is a cool DIY video about this :
If you can't purchase one or make one, you can also grab a big piece of flat solid cardboard and place it on your knees, its back resting on a table or your desk.
Remember to use what works best for you !