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Marco Sordi
added comment inYoni Figure Drawing Timelapse
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2024/9/8. Good morning everybody. I've just finished this long drawing after watched the course from @Jeffrey Watts and @Watts Atelier instructors. The course provides some general information about Reilly figure drawing method but honestly is too short compared to the price. For those who are thinking to buy it keep in mind that is just an introduction: interesting but not enough to learn how to apply the method to different poses. Also there's no section where you can upload your assignment and, apparently, there are no feedback or critique. Anyway I'd like to have the opportunity to study at Watts Atelier from life someday so I had an idea about the environment and the course contents. Fair enough.
I honestly would go through the previous lessons again just to see how much you have improved. I've been through the figure drawing course a million times over the past 2 and a half years.
Asked for help
When or where are we supposed to use the bean ? I don't see any examples of the bean being used in a figure drawing, so I'm wondering what its purpose is. Should I add a bean in my gestures?