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added comment inProject - Learning to Sketch from Imagination
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Decided to sketch an exaggerated borzoi :) I'm trying to find the balance between too loose & too rigid lines
I was slightly unconfident, overthinking the lines a bit. But the boots came out pretty alright IMO. Critique welcome!
Happier with my second try ☺️ I feel like it has better contrast, confident lines & more clarity in dark/light separation.
Asked for help
I simplified from a different pear in the downloads. Struggled a bit with the plane changes in the middle of the pear - where its hard to determine light/dark 😁
I think your simplified pear looks great! I agree with you about determining the lights and darks, I struggle with that too.
You did great! Your values are really clear and it is easy to tell what is going on. Great work :)