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Lux Lynn
added comment inHead Drawing and Construction
Hello, I was looking to buy this course but I wanted to know if I should do Hampton's figure construction course first. What do you think?
I have both, both are indispensable but approach different things so you can do either in whichever order you prefer. I’m starting with heads simply because I find them as useful units of measurements and grounding, the confidence from them helps me with the figures.
I don't think sequence would matter with the two. You could do either first.
Mikael Gustafsson
Done, such a good course. Learned a ton these weeks and I love all the easy ways to remember the proportions. Halves and thirds simple and clean, clear and concise teaching style. Big thank you Steven for making this.
Now I'm looking forward to an Anatomy course that goes more in depth than the figure construction course ;) Take care :)
Not sure if you will see this but did you end up taking his figure construction course before or after the portrait course? and what order would you recommend if so?
Lux Lynn
Hey Josh! I'm think of getting this course after I take Michael Hampton's intro to figure construction course. I believe that Hampton's course focuses on figure construction with simple forms and I thought that your course would be a good option to learn anatomy in more depth (actually learning the muscles and bones), as a way of building upon the simple forms and construction learned in Hampton's course. What do you think?