Pau Luna
Pau Luna
Long time photo editor and graphic designer. Working hard to become a better artist and get a job in the industry
Activity Feed
Pau Luna
Hi there! A prince does not always enjoy his tasks, sometimes it has to get his hands dirty when condemning some souls. My Demon Prince: caged, ambiguous, delicate blue painful crown.
Alec Brubaker
very nice work!
Kenny Wang
Woooow, so beautiful
Pau Luna
Asked for help
Looking for feedback and critics. Thank you
Giuliano Lo Bartolo
Hi, first of all: Its a very nice sketch! But there are some flaws in anatomy and perspective (dont worry its not something utterly serious). Your perspective with the neck and the muscles that attach to the clavicle doesnt match the rotation of the torso. The clavicles point to the viewer, while the torso points to the right side. Its not much, but the right arm is a bit too large compared to the other arm. And to the horns in the hair: They dont attach to the head on the same point if thats what you were after, also they dont quite have the same hight. Hope I wasnt too nitpicky and hope I could help :) Sincerely, Giuliano
I'm a noob too but I'll try anyway ;-) It would help if you say what exactly you are looking to improve, and what you were aiming for with the drawing. If you were going for an elegant female, then the super bulging shoulders are doing the opposite. They would also be distracting on a male, it's pretty much impossible to have shoulders this big and upper arms this thin/undefined. Also I'd suggest to use less lines, be more confident (no matter the outcome) and try to give every line a purpose. The loosenes can come later
Shelvs Fleurima
I would love to criticize you, but sadly I am a noob , and bit hesitant at criticizing since I still got my training wheels. I am writing you to et you know that your sketch looks great, and to keep pushing.
Pau Luna
Final submission for Reference Photo Bash Challenge. Looking at all the images, these four gave me the idea of ​​a sinister environment and creature. I worked on it and this is the final sketch. Thank you very much for this creative community, I am looking forward to seeing the work of other artists.
Pau Luna
My entry for september challenge. Used to work as a photo retoucher and now I might look into my libraries to try it again.
Hi guys, I am currently practicing the Loomis Head from different perspectives (3D Modell) and have noticed that I often don't hit the oval on the head correctly. Above all, it is the width that gives me a problem. Do you have a good idea how I can better assess the width? I am currently measuring it with the pencil in relation to the height. Angle sighting is not working for me because there a not many points to start with. There is a quick example of my problem in the attachment. KR
Pau Luna
Keep practicing, the model does not look that far, as John Carter said.
Pau Luna
Asked for help
Hi, I´ve been drawing for a long time as a side job. Looking for get better and become a professional artist now. This but a sketch, I´ll upload more things for your valuable comments
Jens Römer
i would do the jaw bit more round cause its a woman and the cheekbones a lil higher
I like how expressive the face is, I would watch out for the line quality which seems to be a little bit scratchy, proko has a video on how to correctly hold a pencil, it's worth a watch! Good luck on your art!
Shelvs Fleurima
Looking good, are you currently taking the portrait class?
Atharva Lotake
Hello everyone, I did a redesign of the castle as I wasn't happy with the original. These are some of the design explorations I did for the redesign. Please let me know which one is your favorite. Thanks for your valuable time.
Pau Luna
The exploration of new alternatives on the decline of the kingdom is notorious. In the proposals three and four, in which there is an obvious lack of the bridge it catch my eye. Thank you for share your work
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