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Simeon Kotov
added comment inRobo Bean Assignment Example – Step by Step
Robo bean. I will be glad to comments=)

Nicole Lee
Hi @Simeon Kotov , those drawings look really good. great proportions, gestures, line work and of course, the bean design. The only thing I can find is that in the first photo, bottom right robo bean, the bottom of the rib cage seems a bit too low. Everything else looks great!

Yura Hulpa
great work!

Simeon Kotov
Really difficult to capture an expressive pose with 3d objects. Often sacraficed form for expression and vice versa. Definitly need to draw some more. Need to focus more on the landmarks and proportions. Would creatly appreciate some feedback^^
Steve Lenze
Hey Lien,
I think your idea of using reference for this is a good one, but we have to use it right. One way is to look at the pose in the reference, then build the pose out of shapes. This will help us interpret what we see, and make it easier to get it right. I did a sketch that I hope will help you out :)
Hello Lien_Hoa,I think you did pretty well in making the shape design on the face and jacket appealing.I quite like how you contrast the more busy shapes of the jacket with the simple line for describing the leg.It remind me a bit of how Adam Hughes and Mucha does it.(here are some example of their work)
I think the biggest problem I see is that the perspective is a bit skewered on the leg and arm,I feel like you made it slightly too big and made the head a bit too small.Also on the topic on improving the pose,personally I think you could make the left guy's left leg a bit more interesting if you made it tiptoeing and facing the viewer(here's an overdrawing of everything I just said to explain it better.
But other than that,great job,please keep going,we're interested in what you'll make next
Hello everyone, so i’m trying to draw 2 dudes sitting next to each other;
but my drawing-from-imagination skill sucks and i had to combine 2 different photos of them from different angles/perspective…
i’d like to ask if my drawing is believable enough? and please tell me if i can improve anything in the pose. Thank you ^^
( >< please have a look: @Liandro @Jesper Axelsson @Tony Vu )
Attached are my drawing and 2 references i used.
William Horton
Steve basically provided the best possible advice and I can't really add anything to it other than I really like how you drew her face and her dress. It looks really really nice.
Steve Lenze
Hey Lien,
Really nice job on this. To be honest, I kind of like the pose you have, it has a lot of attitude. The stiffness comes from not using any gesture in the pose. You use all straight lines to describe everything. Even the skirt is straight across. I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean, I hope it helps. Like I said you could still use your pose, just add some gesture to it.
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Hi Lien, maybe try tilting her shoulders in the opposite direction of her hips? Right now they seem to both be tilting the same direction and she looks a bit off balance because of that? Nice drawing, by the way.