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added comment inStage 1 - Block In Concepts
Asked for help
Here is my assignment. I would like to ask questions about things I struggled with. If I understand correctly in the lesson it is said to use value 2 out of 10 for the first pass. When I was putting values in my drawing I felt like I don't have different value to choose from. In the end I feel like my drawing is very flat in comparison to Stephen's drawing which look 3d even in the first pass. Am I missing something or I misunderstood what was said in the lesson? Another question is about hair especially the place on the neck in the left part of the photo (Olilvia_11). In that area the hair split and you can see the neck, the background and lots of strands of the hair that have both dark and light values. I had no idea how to appraoch that area and it stands out in the drawing :). How should I approach that area in this stage of the drawing. I would appreciate any other feedback. Thanks!
Gesture drawing is not a contour drawing but it often ends up that way. Do you have any tips on overcoming that bad habit?
Asked for help
Hello! Here is my attempt. Hair and ears, my nemesis we'll meet again!